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Everything posted by Russ

  1. Sumthin like this....
  2. Geeez.......where do i start, just point em and go. They're good for 100+kts, 6...8hrs duration, comfy,safe,..........that's 4 reasons, toss in........you find em everywhere criss crossing this island, and that's a fact. Could go on .......but i'm packing the ol girl ( jab ) for Qld, NT, WA, Qld.........be gone for 5....6 weeks, tiger country all the way.
  3. i'd like to know how the R22 boys ( and others ) can do "distant" legs etc, with retaining 45mins fuel. ( another good reason to own a jab )......
  4. weez heading off again.....soon, was keen to suction mount a gopro on the jab................wing,tail.......read they're good for 100+kts, what about 5.....10k heights ???? does me camera go missing ????.....like gawn.
  5. Untill..............some "investigative" reporter/media organisation, gets a wiff of "a good story" here, maybe then our good senators will get reeeeel serious. Then just maybe.....the rolling snow ball could get real momentum.
  6. other poss points.......springsure / rollston / dingo. ( all good strips, acomm etc, adjacent )
  7. To be fair........the brand i used ( can't remember ).......i went exactly as per instructions, and at high revs wheels became out of balance, quite badly actually. Maybe.....a smaller amount might be the go ???? . After 3...4 flats, in 8 mths, i bit the bullet and fitted 10 ply tyres. Zero flats since. ( btw... wheel barrow tyre is bigger than jab tyre.......just sayin )
  8. Always......always, make sure you've got ample water. Any avail water enroute, is a bonus. ( if an unexpected outlanding occurs, you are going to be in trouble without it. ) Spoken from experience. Sat ph.........must have as well.
  9. "Goo" in small diam tyres does not work......at high rpm, things go pearshaped. ( i've tried it ) leather inserts..........don't work. Trelleborg 10 ply tyres......so far good. ( jab size )
  10. christ........it's guna be muskets at 20 paces next. ( spoze the lead ball could go that far..?? )
  11. steady there pal......you'll pop a cork, and it ain't worth it. ( open a nice merlot, grab a good read )
  12. Prepare for the worst........the whole saga was flawed, from the beginning. The "spin doctors" may pull a rabbit out of their hat here. They have to, it's that serious to them. ( getting "exposed" is their worst nightmare, come true )
  13. i'm in too........
  14. "Turn the other cheek" "Assume the position" DON'T EVER , call them to account....................phew, it's mind blowing
  15. Russ

    J160 experience?

    absolutely true.......i've "dead sticked" to feel the difference.......it's a lot. ( getting a jab "off " ..short field, easy, ( <200m ) .....it's "the on" that's more challenging. ( for me )
  16. Russ

    J160 experience?

    From experience.........the last thing you want, is a "floaty" aircraft, when dropping into shortish rural strips. Even worse, if you need to final over trees. ( love me 160 )
  17. How about one or 2 here ( that exhibit knowing what to do ), get your heads together, form the required request/s...........and get these "elusive" FACTS. I would..........if i knew how. ( how matters have just flip flopped around for 12mths....or more, bewilds me )
  18. atherton one is for sale........( was ex WA, sold to NT, now here )
  19. This "saga" has rolled on for approx 12 mths, comments have abound..............yet, NOTHING has eventuated in a legal stoush. If............casa were truly ( like a rabbit, blinded by the headlights )...........helpless..........why have we not heard of these legal firms that operate " no win, no fee " attacking the jugular vein of casa. Why have we heard jack sh!t from any media. I'm thinking that just maybe, "they" are on safe grounds here....( casa ) just sayin........
  20. The upcoming casa "spin doctors" are burning the midnight oil, to make us all feel..........they were concerned for our safety. it'll be a good read.
  21. Heard recently, that a"jab" composite prop blade....(blade only) had shown cracking, done around 400+hrs. Any others ?? or is this just a beatup.??
  22. If our own RAA management, with 4k members can,t get it sorted ( revamped ).........your "balls" implication sort of looses it,s sting. It,s here, and it,s here to stay.......end of.
  23. "Escort".........can see you waiting there, for god knows how long. ( they won't be happy .....asic folks ) The whole asic thing is a joke. ( entry / exit gates are coded, fences are 900 high or less, in places ) Have used many a asic airport, never ever been challenged ( several times forgot to hang it around my neck, but had it in cockpit ) it's total cr!p.
  24. yawn.............
  25. actually.....no. I like to give it a "refresh" every yr. ( sand / relaquer) and have flooked a "balanced" prop each time. Spray same speed, same coatings both blades. Other jab owners have commented how smooth my jab runs..........but "luck" can't keep happining for me.
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