If.........you do regular xcountry runs, you need the best of brakes.
scinareo...........you ring ahead to proposed stopover, person at the other end of the line confirms strip is usable about 1000m long......i think........ all good. You arrive at strip......do a fly over, grass looks longish, termite mounds, looks like a couple of water ruts there, tall trees one end.
So........finals over the trees, reduces strip by 200m at least, finals from other direction....bugger, them termite mounds are around that end.....so, which ever way you look at it, this strip is seriously getting shortish. Forgot, looks like stones etc are there as well, at 70ish knots, 100ft off the deck, trying to absorb "detail" is challenging.
When my wheels hit the deck, i want damn good brakes............just my view.
You parkup, tie down, grab your o/nite bag, walk to the R/house. Person behind the bar says " hi...was that you folks that just flew over"........yes it was us, employee says no one has used that strip for ages. Was it Ok...............have seen better is the reply, but some one here told us last week.......it was good to use. Oh, says employee, did that person have a german accent..............sure did, sorry says employee, that person assumed it was all good, infact we would've alerted you to a more accurate report.
Moral of the story.........seek genuine qualified feedback..........ie.... owners of resort / r/house, etc.