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Everything posted by Russ

  1. appreciate that........thanks
  2. Here we go...........comparing rotax to jabs.............it's bullsh!t Rotax..........near on $30k jab 2200...................$15k You cannot compare...........apples to oranges.........period. I'd bet me left jewel, if jab pumped out $30k engines.........they'd give rotax a run for their money. Please stop this "comparing" thing. ( perhaps i should complain to suzuki, that my $20k swift is inferior to my $70k subaru wrx, sti, and i want a refund )
  3. Carburettors................had their day, served us well. It's time......it's time to get onboard with EFI. Have now seen 2 injected jabs, owners just love it. Easy as to install.
  4. jab160.........wooden prop, anyone have a balancer that REALLY works. Would like to pay for the use. russ
  5. All's good.......got info
  6. Lake ayre ( spelt wrong ), is filling up real good right now........bewdy, have heard of "painted hills", anybody have more info.
  7. have used many times over the yrs........fuel bladders, any size you like, set em up right.....brilliant transfer system inflite.
  8. Muffs, sandwiches, flask of tea.......all supplied. It's not until you pull up alongside one in a tender boat, that you realise just how big they are. Did i mention NOISEY as well.......they bleeding ROAR. Cavenous interior aids that.
  9. Noise............try Auckland to fiji in a sunderland ( 50yrs ago........my ears are still ringing )
  10. Russ

    F-16 Drone

    Below is an extract from an incident report on a near miss that happened a couple of day ago: “Tracking NW from Byron Bay returning to Tyagarah Airport. Straight and Level at 80 KIAS, a drone appeared directly in front of the gyro. There was insufficient time to initiate evasive action. Drone passed under the rotor disc on the right hand side of the gyro, missing the rotor disc by approximately 1 metre below and missing the right hand undercarriage strut by a similar distance. I turned around and climbed in an attempt to locate the drone and follow it to it’s landing place. I was unable to visually locate the drone. It was about 1 m across and had 6 propellers attached to it. The body of the drone was black and the propeller support struts were white. Unable to locate the drone, I returned to Tyagrah for a normal landing.” The speed at which this event occurred really caught the pilot by surprise, such that he did not have time to react in any way, let alone attempt evasive action. The media has stated during the last week or so, that drones are a very popular gift choice this Christmas. That being the case, pilots must display extra vigilance and I suggest that you avoid areas where these airborne menaces are likely to be driven: beaches, parks, football fields etc. There are regulations governing the operation of unmanned aerial vehicles, but the likelihood of any member of the public adhering to the rules is somewhat remote. If you’re interested, look up CASR Part 101 H. Fly safe and take care.
  11. If.........you do regular xcountry runs, you need the best of brakes. scinareo...........you ring ahead to proposed stopover, person at the other end of the line confirms strip is usable about 1000m long......i think........ all good. You arrive at strip......do a fly over, grass looks longish, termite mounds, looks like a couple of water ruts there, tall trees one end. So........finals over the trees, reduces strip by 200m at least, finals from other direction....bugger, them termite mounds are around that end.....so, which ever way you look at it, this strip is seriously getting shortish. Forgot, looks like stones etc are there as well, at 70ish knots, 100ft off the deck, trying to absorb "detail" is challenging. When my wheels hit the deck, i want damn good brakes............just my view. You parkup, tie down, grab your o/nite bag, walk to the R/house. Person behind the bar says " hi...was that you folks that just flew over"........yes it was us, employee says no one has used that strip for ages. Was it Ok...............have seen better is the reply, but some one here told us last week.......it was good to use. Oh, says employee, did that person have a german accent..............sure did, sorry says employee, that person assumed it was all good, infact we would've alerted you to a more accurate report. Moral of the story.........seek genuine qualified feedback..........ie.... owners of resort / r/house, etc.
  12. more "piloty" ones..........
  13. thanks for that, but i was seeking the aerosol method, considering mixing a cocktail of 2 stroke into a squirty bottle, and into the carb it goes.
  14. Wet season this way is about to begin, and we will probably head off several times, here n there. My question.........is there a proven product to spray into running engine via carburettor that will protect the bores etc, at shutdown. russ
  15. there it is.....now all you need is that "paddle"
  16. You can't legally exceed the road speed limits........but hey, we've all done it. Can't bolt in a camit........sure can, but mums the word.
  17. have found on MANY occasion, remote grass strips are ruff as hell, tussucks seem to be the norm, strip is slashed as norm, but those tussocks develope ...hard as, so getting rid of ground speed is paramount......quick as. ( Mt Coolon being the most recent ...south of charters towers )
  18. 2 aircraft that definately, absolutely.......do not need brakes........helos and gyros.
  19. rubbish...........
  20. The one grype with my 160 jab............p!ss weak brakes, good for a moment or 2, then fade away. ( landed long on bitumen one time, the looming fence got me clacker valve going ) All in view of RPT full of pax..
  21. Maaate...........i can't do it, it just goes against my own engine management self training ( 50+ yrs )..........hate revving the ring out of my engines. ( be nice to me engine, it'll be nice to me ) WOT and leave it there........mate, i'll be having nightmares tonight just thinking about it.
  22. So.........backing off power to 2900 revs, climb speed 85 is " bad " ?????
  23. How this sorry saga has not hit the press / media, bewilds me. How this has not proceded to court action ( owners ).....again, bewilds me. Way back, early in the piece, there was talk about folks seeking legal help.
  24. Ok........near on 12mths has elapsed since casa dropped a bombshell. Massive amount of collateral damages resulted. ... I want to change out my engine ( seriously big trip planned 2016 ) ........ Bolt in a brand spanker from jab............hangon, didn't casa deem their engines ( jab ) to be unsafe. Or bolt in a Camit ( all reports are positive ) You don't have to be a rocket scientist to make a choice here. Ok.......Camit for me, but the way the system is, i can only fit another jab engine ( the dud one ).......The option to fit Camit, with reg E24, has stalled, infact several folks have begun their change over, and casa are now in go slow mode, infact the delay could be 12 mths. The "Marap" option is in "roll out" and casa appear to be in no hurry to pull out their fingers. Whispers are telling me, folks are just bolting in camits...........and SAYING NOTHING. Legally wrong, but to hell...it's my life, my machine, casa go screw. This is where we are 12 mths down the track. I believe Raa are trying to get action here, but no success ...........to date. I also heard, the option to bolt in rotax, has now been stopped.........go figure.
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