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  1. Hi Yoda, It's over 18 months since you purchased that VG XL kit and I was wondering how you were going with it so far?
  2. Sorry mate, been flat out with odd jobs and lots of drop-in visitors lately. Kit has arrived and now waiting for front of my machinery shed to be closed in... so yes I will be building her at home eventually. Hoping to get out to Tara next week for some more flying fun... and heading skiing with Smokey and Selwyn at end of month for a week so that should be a laugh. I will have a look at your Youtube footage soon mate... take care and happy flying... oh, and Smokey's ultralight would be heaps of fun (was thinking of offering him some money for it a few months ago, but have too many toys now :) Yoda
  3. That's awesome mate! Congratulations! When does the kit turn up? Where will you be building it? I haven't actually flown Selwyn's drifter yet... only Barneys, due to the weight issue. Yeah we'll have to make up a tray of sorts, cause I need a lot of extra weight up front! I weigh about 60kg's full up! But yeah, it's the best thing about Tara Selwyn's place! Really need to get out there again... soon! I'm doing my PPL with Selwyn, so we'll be heading over to the coast in the 206 for that sometime in the near future. That Jet is terrific! Got a pretty good sound too, wouldn't want to hit yourself with it though hey!? :) No worries about the offer, anytime. I'm looking at buying Smokey's old Skyrider, just gotta find a place to store it.... and a few other teething issues, but I reckon it'd be great fun to muck around with! I have a few of my video's on youtube too, "Thomo91" is the name... see what you reckon. Cheers, Tom
  4. No chance unfortunately. Call the dogs off. I decided life is too short to miss out so I today purchased the Savannah VG XL kit from Reg at Yetman. Made deal with Jessica that I will concentrate on reno of home before starting plane... so looks like Selwyn's Drifter will come in handy for a while yet. speaking of that Drifter... talk about tail heavy... you must of had fun pushing the stick forward the whole flight. I am going to make up a weight tray up the front for us lighter guys. Flew his trike, drifter, cub and pax in 206 both wed and thurs last week... bloody great fun days. While I think of it check out my little black foam rc jet (named it Battery Muncher... its a Mirage 2000 with mods and now pulls thru 300kph... good fun in the back yard... [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxvjMd5WX0g]YouTube - Battery Muncher 2000, Hobby King Mirage 2000[/ame] Thanks again for the offer Tomo and feel free to send link of the jet to your mates. Yodes
  5. No worries at all, will do. Are you needing a lift to get there are you? I may have one for the day if you need it. My brother will be coming, but he doesn't mind if you want to come instead. My number is 0429 680423 if you wanna call. Cheers, Tom
  6. Hi Tomo... mate, probably wont make Monto. Wondering if you can keep an eye open for me when you are up there. I am still shopping for an aircraft. Savannah great kit and aircraft for the money (flew the new VG XL last Sunday at Gatton and loved it... really does stall at 26kts and cruises easily at 90 plus very coordinated to fly... almost too easy really)... but money is frightening me so Im trying to get something for around $30k if possible. Doesnt have to be STOL as I should be able to get hangar close to home with 800m grass strip. If you see any nice looking machines for around that money please snap a shot and send me details or pass on my mobile phone number to seller. Sorry for not definin g exactly what I want, but have to keep open mind and hope something decent shows up. Have a good trip to Monto mate. Yodes 0459 261239
  7. heading out to Dalby then Tara tomorrow for a bit of flying fun... hoping to get some Savage Cub time and maybe Drifter and Trike if there is enough daylight hours. Going to meet Savannah dude at gatton this Sunday fly in breaky thing. Hope to catch you at Monto Yodes
  8. Thanks Tomo... and you Dunlopdangler I have same issue as you Tomo... need to borrow a plane or hitch a ride with someone to Monto... cheers for link to thread on Monto. Yodes
  9. Thanks Monty
  10. You are welcome my Slarty one enjoy Yodes
  11. Thanks Tomo... are you heading up to Monto?... suppose there is a thread on here re the fly in. Yodes
  12. Hi guys... finnally got the fingers typing and joined your group. Im known as Yoda in the hang gliding circles. flying experience is over 3000hrs hang gliding (one of 3 founding members of Dalby Hang Gliding Club... only club based aero-tow operation in the world... check it out along with nice video I made last year at Home Page), approx 1000hrs fixed wing gliding and fairly new to ultralight flying having gained most endorsments last year... high/low performance, tail/nose wheel, xc, pax etc... just sold my Quicksilver GT500 and looking to build a Savannah XL or Just Aircraft Highlander as I have a 190m one way strip with 7 degree slope. Look forward to hearing from some of you... and hope you guys have some comment on type of aircraft best for me... maybe you know of a good machine for sale?? Cheers, Yoda:wave:
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