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Everything posted by jcamp

  1. Pay to check this but IIRC under 95.10, no of engines (or type) is not specified ie you can have as many as you want.
  2. Mick Parer had a video of a bad crash he had, became airborne and veered off into a cloud of dust/bits. IIRC it was a Stratos, anyone have any info.
  3. Got one in China for retail AUD70. The wheels are too small for any imperfections or a 25mm step gutter to footpath slope.
  4. Factory/travel setting works on a a lot (most?) of combo locks
  5. Interesting project, looking at something similar Couple of points on the circuit: Power Supply: LM78xx normally have 35v max. This can be problematic with a voltage surge on shutdown, would be inclined to make the cap say 63v and stick a 20v zener in there. Op amps A DC gain of 273 might be stretching it, I would be inclined to use an instrumentation amp in there to avoid hassles like device selection. Probably doesn't really matter what, IIRC last time there were some INA 118's floating around and they worked OK. (Not an electronic engineer but employ some.) Also may have to go to shielded stuff on the thermocouple wire if there are too many problems with a noisy environment.
  6. Blame that twerp Blewitt. As he was blowing out Health costs by getting hordes of administrators on the payroll he announced the way to save money was less doctors. So he cut the number of medical places in uni's.
  7. Tubing can cease to be tubing due to magnetic field in a lighting strike. One of the missing photos from the UK shows tube in the aileron control which has been crushed by this. Read the bit on P5 where it describes the state of what had been a 16mm OD, 1mm wall thickness tube.
  8. CB's may not be visible from where you are - above stratus or it may look like just Cu. The UK glider incident referred to is: http://www.aaib.dft.gov.uk/cms_resources/ dft_avsafety_pdf_500699.pdf Well worth a read although the photos appear to have gone AWOL
  9. Stall behaviour is affected considerably by power and a full power/flap stall is quite different from a power off one. A couple of months after I got the J160, I was flying on a day when the air was calm enough to do a meanful check of the book figures for stall/IAS. All was OK even allowing for some bird sxxt on the left wing until fullpower/flap. The angle was pretty extreme (and I don't really see how you could get into it unintentionally) but the break was sharp and I turned through 90 before recovery. Figured I had better brush up on spins before repeating the exercise so did a session in an Aerobat (flying from the LHS for control similarity).
  10. Check you are OK on spins and go to 4,000 AGL then try the goround configuration - full flap full power.
  11. The longer mount and cowls could be a big problem aerodynamically as the history of turbine conversions of piston engined trainers shows. More area up front needs bigger fin, needs structural changes to the rear fuselage etc.
  12. The J160C has the underwing markings as outline only. I presume this is to minimise thermal effects from radiant energy from tarmac etc.
  13. Some legalities from CAAP 234 (1)1 Assume private/piston Variable reserve not required; 45min fixed reserve required. For a real flight and not an exam practical considerations revolve around the wind and where did it (the figures) come from. Remember although low at 2000ft they are 25% of IAS. If the winds are forecast as stated for the next 12 hrs AND confirmed as actual then maybe use a 20kt headwind. So assume only the first leg can be done.
  14. Fuel is the killer. 3.5 hrs = fly for 2 hrs, wait for fuel, pay callout, pay for drum, give 160L away then try and catch the J160 which has flown direct. Pity - looked like a good upgrade.
  15. The Fed rate is only for the US banks in an attempt to disguise their insolvency. The real rates if you borrowing are much higher - IF any money is available eg NY Port Authority paying 20% after no one bid at a loan auction.
  16. Priorities are - Avoid Ground Attempt to keep: - Wings level - Speed in the middle of the green Bias towards: - Desired Track -Desired altitude
  17. How much paper could you need for the plain language. I just got the area forecasts for a flight I do frequently (Melbourne to Caloundra), came to 29 pages and chopping out irrelevant airfields cut it back to 20 pages - a bit more than normal which would be in the 15 page range. Thats bad enough but an extra 30 pages of waffle would be worse.
  18. This all sounds like the what my wife's (then 38) instructor said when she finished her nav stuff and was filling out the form "You have the hrs and as I don't think you will be buzzing houses or chasing cars, I will also put in the passenger endorsement". Should he have also said stuff about shutting down engines and aeros"
  19. jcamp

    Spat problems

    Had problems with getting the phillips screws in the spats out and then back in tight enough. Solved that by using hex socket head screws. They don't appear to be available in Aus or anywhere at 100 degree but Fastener Express in the US has 8x32 Flat Head Socket Cap stainless screws available in 82 degrees.
  20. jcamp

    Accross Oz

    There is also the Painted Hills SW of Williams Creek. Suggest they would be best viewed early or late in the day. They are in a restricted area so worth checking if it is active.
  21. Flight over builtup area in experimental a/c is the same for RAA and VH. CASA or approved person see CAR262. Asking a couple of years ago there were requirements: Engine - 912 or Jab, also certified lycosaurus etc OK. Single ignition no. Aircraft - Savannah or Jab OK. (and presumably others) Would want to see more than minimum hours flown off. The rest appears to be a grey area on both the aircraft and engine ie your Brentc MK1 superbird might require quite a bit of engineering and flighttest data as would the dual ignition WRX motor. It's basically a matter of convincing cynical engineers.
  22. Boring engineering stuff: 45 amp x 12V= 540 Watt = 540/746 = 0.72 hp not so bad for 28V at 1.69 hp but there is still some SERIOUS problems with drive/alternator/regulator/measurement there.
  23. EFATO before 500 ft Plane has failed you - write off Nose down - keep airspeed What you see in the windscreen is what you have Pick the least worst option for you, maybe fly between trees not stall on top. Fly to the last Mentally think and plan NOW - when it happens you just have to put the plan into action, no time to debate. Those who have done CONTACT or AMBUSH drills will know the reasoning. Personally 200 ft EFATO 120 ft partial EFATO
  24. A further point on instrument "quality" (interface design, useability or whatever buzzword is appropriate). The moving map GPS is a pretty common instrument and theoretically can provide direction but its slow response and reversal when the map orientation is changed is not ideal. In a situation of VFR but no horizon I found I got disorientated probably within a minute. It was more difficult than the magnetic compass (flying north at the time).
  25. Just the death penalty.
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