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About kiwiaviator

  • Birthday 30/10/1965


  • Aircraft
    Jabiru J230
  • Location
  • Country
    New Zealand

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  1. Another beautiful weekend in the eastern isles. Headed to one of my favourite strips for an overnight hunting trip in the J230 ute. The dog is getting used to flying finally. D'Urville Island is the largest island in the Marlborough Sounds. Once again Wellington Approach very helpful with radar monitoring across the Strait. Its always reassuring knowing someone is keeping an eye on you in a single engine over water.
  2. I'll be making to effort to attend a Jabiru course from NZ. I would have booked into the first one however have prior commitments. Looking forward to the next dates.
  3. I think you have a pathway for this. As far as I know RAAus doesn’t have a monopoly on Part 149? Happy to be corrected on this.
  4. Great news. We have had this in NZ for a long time. Now its up to all pilots to ensure that they are up to the job and demonstrate that they can be as professional as the next pilot regardless of licence type.
  5. This is a very informative publication with some great ideas for 'mooring' your aircraft to mother earth https://www.aviation.govt.nz/assets/publications/gaps/secure-your-aircraft.pdf I had my Jabiru 230 tied down in Newman just up the road from you one winter. I used the Claw tiedown system. In the summer I stored it in a hanger in Geraldton as there was no way I was having it outside in wet season. You should seriously consider some sort of hanger. The container shelters are cyclone rated and cost effective. I would have permanent tie downs as well in them.
  6. Long shot. Is anyone aware of any ZK registered aircraft currently in Western Australia? TIA
  7. Details please Sounds as intriguing as the bloke who flew his sofa over LAX airspace a few haircuts ago..
  8. I have never been asked to do a cross country for a BFR in NZ or Australia. Seems to me they were trying to extract the maximum amount of flying/beer vouchers out of you. If they want you to show competency in x country then there are many ways to do this on the ground.
  9. Sorry. I should cite my sources 🙂 BTW 90% is an approximation for the initial survivability. Schick VC, Boyd DD, Hippler C, Hinkelbein J. Survival After Ditching in Motorized Aircraft, 1989-2022. Aerosp Med Hum Perform. 2024 May 1;95(5):254-258. doi: 10.3357/AMHP.6332.2024. PMID: 38715275. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38715275/
  10. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/emergency-services-responding-to-unfolding-aviation-incident-at-tasman-bay-near-nelson/BZ4PVY52UJAZPJGKYPAMNPVQAQ/ Great outcome. Weather was good and emergency response quick which contributed to the pilot surviving. I understand he was in the water for nearly an hour. 90% of ditchings are survivable. Its just what happens after that which determines the fate of those onboard.
  11. Great outcome. Looks like one of Goflys Slings. Thankfully its not often that a student gets a real demo of a forced landing.
  12. Try https://www.airportmetals.com.au/ based at Tullamarine
  13. Thanks Glen. I'll put in the fuses. Sense wire direct to battery. I repaired the 'hot' connection and its a lot better now with max rpm giving 14.5v. I'll be very interested in getting one of your regulators when available.
  14. OK. Carried out this modification. Works well but I'm thinking a little too well... Battery voltage now 14.7v at 1200 rpm. Felt the regulator and wiring temp straight after the first ground run. Not hot however I found evidence of a once hot connection at the VR connector light blue wire. Pictured. This may be historical although I feel I would have picked it up at the last 100hr or sooner. There is a Jabiru bulletin about the 'new' regulator on a J230. Do you think I can find it? I'll do some more ground running as tests as per the mod however any thoughts/experience welcome.
  15. Big news for those using Aircraft Spruce for parts and supplies https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/stpages/australia.php
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