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Everything posted by kiwiaviator

  1. Slight drift off topic question. Does anyone know where I can get location information for AVGAS bowsers on airfields. I dislike taxiing around at an unfamiliar airfield looking for bowsers. All of the FAC and apron charts I look at, have black squares all over it, however no 'X marks the bowser'
  2. https://www.stuff.co.nz/travel/news/126846054/first-electric-flight-over-cook-strait-lands-at-wellington-airport
  3. Broken Hill is the only airport that has charged me in the last year. I have had a couple where they have come out to me after landing and ask why they can't find the 24 registration number in the database. I just say that its recreational and we are exempt from landing charges. Seems to work.
  4. Thanks FlyBoy. I'm thinking that the plan released last Monday https://www.covid19.qld.gov.au/government-actions/queenslands-covid19-vaccine-plan will allow me to come into QLD on 17 December or earlier. There are plenty of hurdles with a plan like this including NZ borders. I appreciate your feedback on the proposed trans-tasman crossing. Lots to research in the meantime. Very happy to hear that there is potential hanger space at Heck especially with the storms you guys are experiencing at the moment.
  5. I am flying my Jabiru J230C from Geraldton, WA to SE QLD around mid December. The plan is then to ship or fly it to NZ in the first couple of months of 2022. I will be based in the Sunshine Coast area, however will consider out to Kingaroy, Hervey Bay, Bundaberg, Heck Field or places in between. Please message me if you know of anything.
  6. Haha. I've seen some GA aircraft on FR24 upgraded to B737-800's 🙂
  7. Due to lack of hanger space in Newman and the upcoming summer, I flew my J230 to Geraldton last week. Initial altitude was 4500 then a climb to 6500. Very smooth until descent to Geraldton. Overflew Murchison which has a runway longer than the town. The wildflower colours were awesome. 'Miss Meg' performed flawlessly and is safely tucked up in her new hanger.
  8. Diverting slightly from the aim of the topic, I notice my SkyEcho signal comes up sometimes on Flight Radar 24. How do I get the icon changed, and upload photo etc? I have googled this and tried some suggestions with no success. I currently show up as R4927 on FR24 with a large aircraft icon and no details. Anyone else done this with a RAAus aircraft?
  9. Yep. Very common sight in the Cross during the 80's
  10. When I was in the RNZAF, we used water/meth mixture on the Hawker Siddeley Andovers. (Rolls Royce Dart 301's) It had a separate tank for this mixture. It made a noticeable difference on short strips and high/hot ops. The correct mixture was 63% water and 37% methanol by volume (tolerance was +- 1%) PPE had to be worn when handling as its extremely corrosive.
  11. Sorry to hear about this Kasper. I really despair about the indifferent 'parenting' that is the root cause of youth crime. Most of us weren't angelic when young however this sort of thing is next level and shows a complete lack of respect for others and their property.
  12. Good idea lyle. I have suggested a similar idea of playing Barry Manilow songs continuously on the GA apron.
  13. Yep. I have changed them in the past. They both seem to be OK.
  14. Pretty sure they used the drain points. On closer inspection, there were fuel stains down the side of the fuselage. I am very fussy about that when I do fuel drains.
  15. After a couple weeks since I last flew my Jab 230, I decided to go for a Sunday morning ride. Went to do a fuel drain and nothing came out of either wing. Checked and both were bone dry. I distinctly remember having about 70 litres left last time I flew. Newman is a security controlled airport so this is most concerning. Advised ARO and police. Anyone else had similar experiences?
  16. Not sure what the latency is with a typical ADSB packet however I believe there is some compensation occurring in the system. I use my Skyecho info to assess the big picture eg. sequencing into a non controlled aerodrome with RPT and other traffic which is common here in Newman. I don't use it in lieu of looking out the window.
  17. I recently attended a breakfast flyin in NZ which hosted 54 aircraft. This meant a lot of different aircraft in the circuit area in a short amount of time with no major issues. I guess everyone was a lot more aware. I made the decision to do a overhead rejoin at 500' above the normal altitude. This gave me a better assessment of incoming traffic. Another tool in the box.
  18. I am looking at upgrading a Dynon EFIS-D100 to a Dynon SV-D700 7 inch SkyView in my Jab 230-C. I have got the conversion guide which indicates minor panel rework and rewiring is necessary. Has anyone done this and is there anything else I need to consider before committing? Thanks.
  19. I reckon you found some sort of rotor Glen. Back in the lower North island of NZ where I fly (when I'm allowed home) the mountain wave off the Tararua Ranges often forms multiple rotor 'fronts' out to 30 miles. The secondary 'fronts' often can't been seen and have seen me in unintended aerobatic attitudes at times. On the positive side, I have rode the wave at times which can be fun. Its why the gliding altitude world record was set in 1968 in that area by the recently deceased Doug Yarrell https://www.stuff.co.nz/sport/other-sports/102076811/glider-record-still-soars-50-years-later
  20. Nearly did the same in a C172 after a touch and go many years ago. Managed to finally get them up before doing what Dan did. Takeaways for me: C172's do not climb well at full flap. Only use full flap when you really need to and are 99% committed to the landing. As a general rule, I do touch and go's at takeoff flap setting.
  21. I have the same one on my 230 Glen. Great covers and yes, I have the side straps around the main spring.
  22. QC is so important. We manufacture a valve used for mining sample analysis which uses a 50x3 O-ring on the piston. All of a sudden we were having valve failures. The o-ring supplier had decided that an imperial size close to the metric one was ok to supply without advising us. We now check every o-ring and seal. I would hope that aircraft engine manufacturers have a very robust QC system. It would be interesting to see what the o-ring material spec on the Gen 4 is? Good pick up Glen.
  23. Finally got to install the LED kit you sent me Glen. Works a treat. Thank you 🙂
  24. Update from Sportys. Changing settings on the Apple Watch is not possible. God bless America and their inches of mercury.....
  25. Thanks onetrack however that's a different app. I'm using Sportys E6B with an Apple Watch. Apparently they fixed this issue in 2011 butI can't find anywhere to change settings?
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