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Everything posted by Fordy

  1. Hi Errol, I started out learning on a Foxbat and moved over to the Eurofox 3K (nose wheel) for my cross country endorsement and found it a fantastic aircraft to fly. Whilst still fond of the Foxbat I much prefer the speed, feel and comfort of the Eurofox on local scenics and cross country treks. To make room for a new aircraft our Flying Club's Eurofox is up for sale (24-5054).
  2. Hi Guys, Did anyone happen to get the details of the software that was being used at NATFLY during the 8:00am pilot briefings? It appeared to interpret and graphically represent weather systems depicted in the Area Forecasts. I believe it was something like "pitrax or pytracks" but Google has not revealed anything along these lines. Cheer, Fordy
  3. Hi Neil. Great to catch up with yourself and Matt at Temora. Did you guys have a good flight home on Sunday? Matt and I decided after refuelling at Mudgee to head for home via overhead Scone, which turned out the best decision as the weather up here has been ordinary since Sunday. The Eurofox got us back to Port Macquarie in 4.4 hours (+45 mins a Mudgee). Cheers, Peter.
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