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Everything posted by greybeard

  1. Darwin's Theory -- super glue on the overhead locker handles
  2. Mike-Perth. I also had a few things picked up by my class 2 medical that I wasn't aware of that would have pushed me off the perch quicker than I hope for. Whilst the class 2 is a partial pain and yet another cost I could live with it if it was just the class 2 every couple of years. Unfortunately once you get pinged for anything the costs start to ramp up rapidly for what (my DAME and) I believe re excessive and duplicated tests. I have a perpetual cost to try and continue keeping my class 2 every year. This includes std class 2 medical, special trip to CASA rated optometrist for (what seems like) the same eye test that the DAME has given me (extra $250/annum) , special trip to the tredmill for a stress test and cardio report from a cardio who wants to know why I'm wasting their time when sick people need to be treated (~$600/annum), annual vampire test at the pathologist. And to get all of this done requires trying to coordinate appointments with specialists that can have waiting lists of 1-2 months. So, as you say, it's a good thing that your DAME picked up on your hypertension (me too, I've forecast your future with and annual tredmill and cardio report) and 'a' visit to a specialist as directed by your GP is a good thing if they recommend it. But the change from every two years for an over 40 class 2 medical to annual and the ~$1k all up cost is just taking the piss. Oh, just to rub salt into the wound, the last two years CASA have 'lost' the reports from my DAME and specialist causing months of delay. Last medical I did in December last year came through in May this year, still with an annual expiry date in December this year. I'm used to the class 2 medical and every couple of years seems to be ok with me, if nothing else it makes me visit a doctor for a checkup and oil change, but if a DAME needs special training from CASA (and it's expensive training), why isn't the DAME good enough to say if I am dead or not? Why all the specialists reports? CASA need to held to account to justify why specific requirements are in place and it should be part of their charter to unregulate themselves out of a role.
  3. Seriously, the worlds ending because you can't look at an aircraft ad online?
  4. From the sounds of it, it won't matter how many people are or aren't on the board or if the constitution should be changed or the RAA structure altered some will argue for and some against. Some will just bitch and moan. After all this, I bet the sun comes up in the east tomorrow and opinions on internet forums will still be granted the respect they deserve.
  5. Sling it out the window, see where it lands and then do some fancy maths taking into account ground speed, height and drag or download the iAirspeed app.
  6. Have to agree to disagree on this one. As someone else has suggested, spend the extra money on a csu & retract endorsement. Your regular lessons should be a more than adequate review of your skills. If the OP wasn't intending to get a PPL then fair enough, as they have stated that they are intending to continue to get a PPL, spend the money on gaining extra skills.
  7. Find another flight school that isn't trying to force you into spending time and $'s on an intermediate test. Skip the RPL and do the PPL.
  8. While everyone is arguing the details/numbers/stats/rubarb rubarb/waffle/ mines bigger than your's etc back on topic, too many engine related failures are occurring. If it's an issue with the design (regardless of who make the damn thing) or the numb nutz manipulating the throttle then maybe some of the NASA scientists with all of the answers could put a smidgen of their efforts into sorting out the problem(s). Rather than excrementing over and over about the exact percentage of who cares. Or maybe just go flying.......
  9. get a room guys
  10. It's like watching vultures waiting to pick over the carcase
  11. Just think of it as the internet version of 'Crackerjack' (the movie)
  12. unlike forums
  13. It's not the mousetrap that attracts the mouse
  14. Nice American 'N' number on the non-flying aircraft in a hanger ;)
  15. An Australian designed fibreglass airframe with an (as yet) unknown engine was observed parked in a bent state at a location not normally used as parking spot for aeronautical conveyances..........
  16. Interesting. Not convinced. It'd be pretty brave legislator/board member/researcher to justify altering any rules/laws etc on the basis of wading through any threads on an internet forum to extract any factual information. The signal to noise ratio is far to high. As a means of discussion, yes, I can see a place, as a means of having a bitch session, probably healthier than the bar at the bowling club, as a means of collating factual information to be used as justification for making changes, pretty hard work from what I can see.
  17. Not much point bitching to the bitchers, if you feel strongly enough about it wind up your local MP. Can't remember the last time any legislation/law/rule was ever changed as a result of a forum thread.
  18. What makes anyone think that the content of an internet forum has any influence or bearing on anything apart from the ego's of the participants?
  19. why? It's an internet forum where discussions about aviation occur. For the record, I hold a PPL. But really, unless someone decides to make it known what licenses they hold, it's no one else's business. I judge people on what and how they say something, not on what pieces of paper they have. Is there some reason why such information is being sought?
  20. It's all pretty academic, the airframes are old, they appear to need to be inspected, it's impossible to retrospectively inspect them and whoever's rear end intends to aviate in the airframe would probably appreciate knowing that it wasn't likely to fall apart underneath them. Given the average age of the Cessna fleet that this applies to, the biggest lesson to me would be how are RAA type airframes going to be managed as the fleet ages. Some of those airframes are starting to get on a bit.
  21. The RAA board provides direction to the Ops People, not the other way round. If you want change, it must come from the members to the board and them directing the Ops People. ( Regardless of what anyone thinks of the previous and/or current situation )
  22. There's some interesting concepts and ideas expressed here about how an organisation should operate. Can't help thinking that there's a bit of a gap between the utopian concept of governance by mob and reality. Bottom line is, vote for who you want to represent you, keep your elected representative up to date with your ideas and concepts, stop the delusion about the importance of opinions expressed on an internet forum.
  23. We've now narrowed down the options to a graphical group hug, written retort or nillus respondus.
  24. It's amazing how much detail can be extracted from an inaccurate media report of an aviation related incident. Beats me why we bother with getting anything investigated by the ATSB.
  25. Ask a motorcyclist ;) http://www.advrider.com/forums/showthread.php?t=979253
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