Some of you guys need to join a bowling club to find something else to winge about.
Either call yet another general meeting and put forward a motion to kick out everyone you don't want in your committee, change the constitution to allow a vote by every member before anyone can get out of bed in the morning, engage a QC for every member to provide legal argument.
Or, for the majority of people who are taking affront, pick up the telephone, actually talk to a human being, get even one fact, then start sprouting off.
Some of the discussion about the committee is reasoned and logical and has a basis in fact, far to much of the discussion is reminiscent of a bunch of school kids playing guess what I don't know. I'm pretty comfortable saying that most of you are involved in aviation, are mature, reasoned and can put together a logical argument / discussion. After all you mostly seem to be capable of aviating. How about it? Put the speculation aside, stick to facts, even try finding out a few, and put a fraction of the effort and passion from castigating anyone who doesn't ask your personal opinion before doing anything into moving forward. You never know maybe everyone, including the dastardly committee, is actually doing the best they can to forward RAA and it's members interests.