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Everything posted by greybeard

  1. Which is a little contraditory as you could do a BFR in a GA Skyfox Gazelle ( low performance as it has a cruise under 80kts ) and it only counts as a high performance BFR for RAA. Do the same BFR in a RAA registered Gazelle and it's considered low performance. Similar issue with the endorsements.
  2. Reply I received from RAA on 20/9/12 We accept BFR’s conducted in VH registered aircraft as suitable for an RA-Aus BFR provided they aircraft is under 1500kgs MTOW, single engine and the review was conducted under day VFR (no multi-engine or IFR renewals). Likewise, if the 90 day currency requirement of three take-off and landings prior to carrying a passenger are conducted in an aircraft which can be registered RA-Aus but holds VH registration, this is also acceptable for RA-Aus currency.
  3. Bananas are good. They taste the same in both directions
  4. Pretty much most documents these days are created electronically. Apart from the cost of a data connection I'm not sure how there is an issue with distribution.
  5. I'm a poet. But I don't know it.
  6. I did the airborne bike riding in a GA registered Skyfox I suspect that i'd need to go on a bit of a fatten up diet to ensure I had enough ballast to navigate a conventional GA aircraft in the same way. Mind you the larger GA plane I flew were a bit more tolerant of the bouncing around.
  7. I've also flown above the inversion layer for a smoother ride. It's just those days when you can't find the layer before reaching 10k feet It's not all bad, you just need to plan your flight times a bit better over summer. It's when you get those magic days of calm air and can get the trim perfect and then fly around by moving your body where you want to go to. I call it airborne motor bike riding
  8. I managed to barf my way through most of my dual navs over summer in Perth a few years ago ( well, nearly 20 years ago ). I didn't seem to have the issue solo or during my PPL test. I'm in the process of getting back into it and I'll be interested in how I cope after 10 years off.
  9. You might like to check on the detail of your assumption regarding what you need to report to ASIC. From my business and association experience, my company only has to report that it is solvent ( no detail, just a statement ) and the associations have no requirement to report to ASIC. There has never been a requirement for minutes of an AGM or a financial statement required for ASIC. Rod
  10. After reading some of the posts in this thread ( and other recent threads ) I'm just wondering if some of you guys might be better off stepping away from the computer and just going for a fly.
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