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About rodgerc

  • Birthday 26/01/1960


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    Waiex, Rans S-20 Raven
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  1. Might be worth chatting to David Brown in Brisbane. david at candoitaustralia dot com dot au
  2. I enjoy and diligently read both Sport Pilot and its counterpart, AirSport from cover to cover. As a suggestion….before you condemn Sport Pilot, avail yourself of the latest edition of both mags and have a read, then decide which standard of production you prefer.
  3. I prefer to be a steak eater than a stakeholder….Preferably with more than just a grain of salt, and a grind of black pepper too.
  4. The image above confirms that a legislative instrument extending the repealed version (CASA 18/22) exists, it just hasn’t been published yet….We’ll wait a few days to sign-off the new Maintenance Release to ensure the ducks all line-up.
  5. CASA’s website states that 18/22 has been repealed today and there is no replacement listed. I’m guessing that a replacement does exist and maybe it will be up next week…Given that ~10% of the Australian GA fleet is amateur built (and maintained), it would be “inconvenient” if a new legislative instrument was not available.
  6. I expect this topic will have a limited audience, but here goes…. The CASA legislative instrument (CASA 18/22) that authorises amateur builders to conduct their own maintenance expires today. (28 Feb 2025) Does anyone know if a replacement instrument exists?
  7. If you’re really that keen to find a Rotax alternative, there’s three ship loads of them heading down the east coast, about 160nm east of Hobart at present. Apparently they’re in a celebratory mood letting off a few crackers and sky rockets left over from the year of the snake celebrations.
  8. Not to discourage you….I applied a $800 of Ranthane 2k to my wings on a Saturday, sanded it all off on a Monday and paid a professional $300 (cash) to apply another $800 of Ranthane on a Tuesday. I should have just waited until Tuesday.
  9. The panel’s paint (~200 microns) is vaporised and the aluminium is just a little “etched”. The rattle can epoxy is probably only 50-75 microns thick, so it is ever so slightly recessed.
  10. Yes and etches the aluminium
  11. Anyone with a low power engraving laser can do it. It works with paint, preferably 200 microns. To achieve the effect, mask the panels once painted with old fashioned masking tape. Don’t use the silicone impregnated type. The lasers etches away the tape. Once etched, blow it off with compressed air to remove any residual “ash”, then spray the etched area with rattle can epoxy in a contrasting colour. Once dried, remove the masking tape and you’ll have nice sharp text.
  12. My own panel…If you’re in Brisbane I can give you the name of the chap with the laser. You’ll need to complete your cut-outs, do a layout in 2D CAD and have the “blank” powder coated before he does the etching.
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