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Everything posted by corvairkr

  1. Tim, all the info you need to set your engine up by the book is in that link ie clip position is the 3rd one from the top and airscrew is is wound out one turn , then set your prop pitch to load your engine to 6300rpm static (max torque ) and it should be sweet . Jason
  2. Here you go Tim, http://www.ultralightnews.ca/bing/bingjetchart.html Jason
  3. Here you go Jacko http://www.ultralightnews.ca/bing/bingjetchart.html Jason
  4. No worries mate,i liked your page...looking forward to the updates. jason
  5. All the best Mate... Jason
  6. They certainly do Tim:thumb up: jason
  7. March's ? I'm still waiting on February's jason
  8. Bob, i have a set of W10 plans which state stalling speed with flaps 43kts and stall speed without flaps 49kts @ gross of 646kg (1425lb) I was looking over a Tailwind this morning which is a regular visitor from Montpelier,beautiful aircraft i love them a bit heavy for RAA though. Its little sister the Wittman Buttercup would be a perfect fit for RAA http://luceair.com/replica_buttercup.html Jason
  9. Beautiful work Phil,it would almost be a shame to cover it. Jason
  10. G'Day Harry.... Jason
  11. Same young fella with his mate in the back:thumb down: Jason
  12. Oooh i don't know fellas i can see FD's point i don't think he is criticizing the Jab pilot for doing a go around but for taking so long to initiate it. The Jab has flown all of final watching a Trojan slowly backtracking towards him. Wouldn't it be better airmanship to initiate a go around sooner rather than later and get a call out in what i would assume to be a busy circuit at an airshow rather than getting his panties up in a bunch and buzzing the Trojan at 50ft? Jason
  13. If you have know luck Jim try this Yahoo group they may be able to help. http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/aerovee/info Jason
  14. At the end of the video check out the crosswinds video bottom row second from the left,they were earning their coin that day:thumb up: jason
  15. Here you go Seb,hope this helps. http://www.ultralightnews.ca/bing/bingjetchart.html Jason
  16. Hey Marty, there is one in the latest mag with 460hrs on it and they're asking $8900 neg:coffee: Jason
  17. Howdy BlurE..... Jason
  18. G'day Maj, I remembered stumbling across these ages ago,they may be of help. http://www.full-lotus.com/rigging-kits.html http://www.lockwoodaircraft.com/Drifter.htm Jason
  19. Especially when he says he's smearing it around his rim jason
  20. Just caught the end of it on the news it looked like the Stolp Starlet in the latest mag page 14,it landed with under carriage problems. jason
  21. That's exactly what they're doing with the new FK51,apparently the thunderous roar of the 912 just wont cut it:blush: http://www.fk-lightplanes.com/news.php?ln=2&id_g=2 Jason
  22. Hmmm Nev, i thought it sounded like a four stroke it certainly looked like one through the windscreen:scratching head: jason
  23. found a link...http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2510474/Microlight-crashes-Somerton-fields-engine-cut-out.html jason
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