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Everything posted by corvairkr

  1. This bloke has done extremely well. I have been told he is a 30hr student pilot on his second solo. He had to put it in early or he would have cleaned up a heard of cattle and if he had tried to go over the cattle he would of been under power lines.....well done mate:thumb up: jason
  2. Thanks Mate....i didn't see that at all i'll ask head office for some clarification on it and let everyone know,at the moment its just a can of worms. Jason
  3. I have been giving this some more thought .Head office have gone from a totally logical common sense workable approach to a potential safety and legal minefield which i think needs to be addressed ,probably a little over dramatic but something worth considering . We have reverted from being able to obtain further training post pilot certificate to none at all in "19" rego aircraft (unless built by the owner) with no explanation as to why.I would like to think the decision came down from above and was not the interpretation of a single RAA staffer as they are meant to be trying to find avenues to make it easier and safer for all of us not harder. So endorsements aside, if a new pilot or any pilot for that matter buys a second hand "19" rego aircraft and its a new type for them and they want to do the right thing and stack the odds in their favor by getting some dual time with an experienced pilot ....they cant. We have this idiotic state of affairs where the instructor cant do it because its "19" rego. So what about plan B and find an experienced pilot to ride shotgun? To the letter of the law wouldn't they then be deemed to be masquerading as an instructor and what would the ramifications be if you rolled the aircraft up in a ball ? in Ga land it would be near enough to instructing for a type endorsement and i wouldn't think it would be to hard for a litigious party to build a case if they so wanted. If a trained professional instructor is willing to jump in an "19" rego aircraft and instruct whether it was built by the owner or not surely that is up to them and RAA should be moving heaven and earth to make it possible . So what are the other options to legally transition safely into second hand "19" aircraft ? Jason
  4. Not sure mate i don't think so,ill PM you his details. Jason
  5. Hi All, I'm having a discussion with RAA head office regarding the interpretation of CAO 95.55 section 6 and what aircraft can be used for training.I have recently bought an Xair i hold a pilot certificate and was hoping to do my cross country endorsement in it.Not a massive drama if i cant ill just use the school aircraft it just would have worked out a bit cheaper. My interpretation as was Lee Ungermann's when he was operations manager is that you must do your initial training in a factory built "24" rego aircraft to PILOT CERTIFICATE level UNLESS you built the aircraft yourself or were part of a group of builders in which case you could start from scratch in your "19" rego aircraft. Then once you had gained your pilot certificate future endorsements could be completed in your "19" rego aircraft whether you built it or not, as long as your instructor was prepared to train you in it. The current administration say all training must be in a Factory built unless built by the owner, including future endorsements. Below the the CAO 6.1 (a) (ii) states only a PILOT CERTIFICATE and no additional endorsements are to be conducted in a factory built aircraft. 6.1 The exemptions given by subsection 3, in relation to an aeroplane to which this Order applies, are subject to the following general conditions: (a) the aeroplane must not be used for any purpose other than: (i) private operations including glider towing but not aerial application operations; or (ii) if the aeroplane has been wholly built and assembled by a commercial manufacturer — flying training to enable a person to obtain a pilot certificate; 6.2 In spite of sub-subparagraph 6.1 (a) (ii), if a person has wholly built or assembled an aeroplane to which this Order applies, or a group of persons has wholly built or assembled such an aeroplane, then that person, or each of those persons, may use the aeroplane for their personal flying training. So what are your interpretations? can a pilot certificate holder gain their cross country endorsement in their own "19" rego aircraft ? Jason
  6. Howdy Steve.. jason
  7. Ahh good stuff Bruce there is a fair amount of timber work in a Minimax. I didn't select my timber personally but there are a couple of ways you can go,you can pretty much hand them a cutting list and have them cut all the timber to the specs you require which is the more expensive alternative OR you can slip down to Bunnings and buy a thicknesser and table saw and just order lengths of boards and just rip and plane your timber as you need it. I Generally buy 19 x 116 x 5ooomm boards and the only downside to buying the larger stock i have come across are some minor blemishes but its excellent quality. http://boatcraft.com.au/Shop/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=138&zenid=37049e34a40811b1908ea9dfc6ae0789 Jason
  8. Hi Chris, It was Bobby Muse's old plane. http://www.ntsb.gov/aviationquery/brief.aspx?ev_id=20110309X21618&key=1 http://www.n56ml.com/kbobbym.html Jason
  9. You will have no problem bending hoop pine than any other suitable aircraft timber Bruce and if you do make a mistake your back pocket will be much happier forking out for more Hoop than Spruce i'll bet:thumb up: .What do you plan on building? Jason
  10. Hi Bruce, I haven't imported any timber but i would imagine it would be a nightmare.I'm currently building a kr2-s and im using hoop pine from boatcraft pacific in Brisbane its very similar to douglas fir and is a fraction of the price of spruce. Jason
  11. Here you go gents,this looks like fun.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTM8rcA7c04 jason
  12. Hi Emah, Do you only manufacture Drifter skins? I will be needing a set for an X-air standard in the not to distant future,can you help with these also? jason.
  13. Thanks Graeme i'll pass on the info much appreciated regards jason
  14. Hi All, A mate of mine has this ppc on his cattle station near Townsville,It was previously owned by his uncle who received ppc Training and then bought this contraption he flew it once in gusty weather and nearly parked it in a tree and that was the end of his ppc flying career. It got packed up and parked in the hangar and hasn't been touched since.Can anybody provide any details on the type? its also for sale if anybody is interested in making an offer. jason
  15. For those working on your passenger endo here's a good brief https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=249869395150053&set=vb.101670060006938&type=2&theater jason
      • 2
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  16. Congrats Mothra jason
  17. I thought the same thing but look closely i think you will find he has a passenger Great video as usual.... Jason
  18. Because CASA says so http://www.casa.gov.au/wcmswr/_assets/main/pilots/download/nta_poster.pdf jason
  19. Good Onya Doug top stuff ! jason
  20. Fantastic video MrH thanks for sharing:thumb up: jason
  21. Hi Marck, Have you seen the tutorial section under resources on this site http://www.recreationalflying.com/tutorials/ Jason
  22. You could try "Nong" in Wagga.......post #23 at the below link http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/flight-training-now-gladstone.58764/page-2 jason
  23. These points above are exactly what was drummed into me.. I also have this video saved on the computer which i often watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwrfEsCiltc jason
  24. Here you go Boingk, i think he is down your way to. http://www.recreationalflying.com/threads/peter-bowyer.58587/ jason
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