Hi All,
I'm having a discussion with RAA head office regarding the interpretation of CAO 95.55 section 6 and what aircraft can be used for training.I have recently bought an Xair i hold a pilot certificate and was hoping to do my cross country endorsement in it.Not a massive drama if i cant ill just use the school aircraft it just would have worked out a bit cheaper.
My interpretation as was Lee Ungermann's when he was operations manager is that you must do your initial training in a factory built "24" rego aircraft to PILOT CERTIFICATE level UNLESS you built the aircraft yourself or were part of a group of builders in which case you could start from scratch in your "19" rego aircraft.
Then once you had gained your pilot certificate future endorsements could be completed in your "19" rego aircraft whether you built it or not, as long as your instructor was prepared to train you in it.
The current administration say all training must be in a Factory built unless built by the owner, including future endorsements.
Below the the CAO 6.1 (a) (ii) states only a PILOT CERTIFICATE and no additional endorsements are to be conducted in a factory built aircraft.
6.1 The exemptions given by subsection 3, in relation to an aeroplane to which this Order applies, are subject to the following general conditions:
(a) the aeroplane must not be used for any purpose other than:
(i) private operations including glider towing but not aerial application operations; or
(ii) if the aeroplane has been wholly built and assembled by a commercial manufacturer — flying training to enable a person to obtain a pilot certificate;
6.2 In spite of sub-subparagraph 6.1 (a) (ii), if a person has wholly built or assembled an aeroplane to which this Order applies, or a group of persons has wholly built or assembled such an aeroplane, then that person, or each of those persons, may use the aeroplane for their personal flying training.
So what are your interpretations? can a pilot certificate holder gain their cross country endorsement in their own "19" rego aircraft ?