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Everything posted by corvairkr

  1. The mighty KR will be celebrating its 40th birthday this year using this technique:super hero: http://www.dubigefen.50megs.com/photo_8.html jason
  2. Hey credit where credit is due Doug they look bloody inpressive to me too. jason
  3. I was planning on using Derakane vinyl ester for the wing tanks in my modified KR project to combat ethanol but the KR boys in the states are are having mixed results , some have gone years with no problems others were getting a caramel like sludge within months . i will more than likely go with the aluminium . Here's one way of doing it http://www.krnet.org/wingtank/ I am considering pumping from the wing tanks to a small plastic header tank http://www.summitracing.com/search/Part-Type/Fuel-Cells/?keyword=plastic+fuel+cells they're perfect ,come in a range of sizes and for the price i dont think it would be worth the effort and cost to make one out of fiberglass . jason
  4. Very interesting thanks OME. jason
  5. W oo Hoo congrats Herm. she's a nice looking machine too.. jason
  6. WOW looking good Pete ! make sure you keep those photo's coming i'll be keen to see your progress jason
  7. :roflmao:Got me ! jason
  8. G'day Mate! jason
  9. Good stuff Mathew! welcome to life as an aircraft tragic.. jason
  10. Your a good man Tomo , good onya:thumb up: jason
  11. I will never be able to afford the aircraft with the specs I want of the shelf,so for me I'm keeping the dream alive by glueing sticks together at this stage.I will get there one day ! Jason
  12. Oh thats just cruel Jason
  13. Hi Compulsion, Great taste in dogs mate . Yeah its a great shot , it was taken by a friend of my wife's on a bully site on the book of faces . This is my bloke, he is a big sook :) Jason
  14. Hey Nuzza, Half your luck owning the BRM ! Nice one. Jason
  15. G'day Thomas , Have you got any pics of your project ? I would be interested in following your progress they're a nice looking machine . Jason
  16. I saw this on the news the other night , congratulations on your achievement Pat it looks like a lot of blood sweat and tears went into it .
  17. This is one of my favourites not just for flying but life in general . jason
  18. Awwww what about this classic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1iyJq-aNRU Jason
  19. Fantastic ! thanks for that Neil i really enjoyed it . Jason
  20. Ahhh living the dream good onya Tomo
  21. looked to me like a high speed taxi test gone horribly wrong , it certainly didnt sound like that corvair was at full song . I would be very suprised if it was a rear C of G issue with a heavy corvair and psru up front . I noticed the up elevator also and what sounded like 3/4 throttle which is why i thought it was a taxi test, but i couldnt work out why he wouldnt have got the tail up and angle of attack down and pinned the mains down with down elevator , rather than maintain the wing at pretty much climb angle of attack at marginal flying speed ? Jason
  22. Hey congrats Enoch ......not jealous much..
  23. Thats awsome , happy travels Dave.... jason
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