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Everything posted by samuell

  1. samuell

    carby heat

    Has anyone tried the electric carby heat.I have replaced my air box with cone filters and looking for carby heat replacement. I have looked at the coolant type, but think the electric would be better. Cheers Sam
  2. samuell

    Carby ice

    Has anyone had any problems with carby ice in there savannah.If so how long did they have to use carby heat for? Any info would be great. Thanks Sam
  3. Plane looks great .Enjoy it as much as u can ,nothing better to clear the head than flying time.
  4. samuell

    Fuel Fumes

    Terry do the fuel caps screw on to the existing filler caps ?I can see that they are put on with screws on the outside,they look like a good solution.Thanks Sam
  5. Has anybody had anything to do with the brumbie helicopters in the raa magazine.They look great , think it would be good for low flying on stations.Any info would be good.Cheers Sam
  6. I had Evans coolant in my old savannah, spent the hole time chasing leaks.It also ran hotter I toke it out and put in 50 50 water glycol mix.Runs cooler and no leaks.
  7. samuell

    Fuel Fumes

    yeh will do eightyknots
  8. samuell

    Fuel Fumes

    Well this has been an interesting experience. I have learned a few very helpful things from the toing and froing withing this forum. Thankyou to all who posted constructive and helpful information. It was never my intention to upset anyone but i had a (seemingly fairly common problem) that i was asking for advice about. I have sealed the wing roots and broblem solved. Perhaps my honesty in admiting that i do on occasion spill a bit of fuel may have missdircted the discussion at times. The Savannah is a great little plane. On a lighter note, im off to spot sheep stranded in flood water for some local station owner for the next few days. Another 5 or 6 hours seeing some fantastic sights is always a bright spot. The flood waters are amazing out here. Cheers Sam.
  9. samuell

    Fuel Fumes

    Blocked holes in wing root inside cabin instant fix .Thanks for your advive Mark cheap and easy fix. Thankyou everyone for your advice.All so put sealer around tank outlets or fill spouts seems to have fixed problem if you spill a bit of fuel while filling. Thanks all Sam
  10. samuell

    Fuel Fumes

    Sorry Mark , will seal off the wing holes inside as well good advice thankyou Sam
  11. samuell

    Fuel Fumes

    Thanks everyone for your advice , i've bought some fuel salastic for the tanks, for around the filler caps and rechecked everything.Ranlamateur i'm not sure who reg is but any good help would be great.I'll keep looking and if i find anyhthing i'll let you all know. Thanks Sam
  12. samuell

    Fuel Fumes

    Yeh thanks i've had the same problem,it comes out of the far left tank,Manly in rough weather or if you are turning alot.I wonder if the fumes are coming in from the wings from spilling fuel when filling up.We use drum fuel and it's a bit hard when filling up by yourself.I herd of a fellow selling his because of the fumes , it was a factory built one.
  13. samuell

    Fuel Fumes

    Thanks turbo I forgot to say the fumes seems to get worst when its been sitting.
  14. samuell

    Fuel Fumes

    Hi everyone,haveing problems with fuel fumes in the cabin of my savannah,just wondering if anone else is haveing the same problems.I've checked all the fuel lines, joins and connections .Any advice would be great .Doesn't make the best flying conditions. Thanks Sam
  15. samuell

    Air box

    Just work out who Steve Bell is will send an email thanks Wayne
  16. samuell

    Air box

    Anyone with a xl savannah , just check your air box were the oil tank sits.On mine the oil line has been touching the air box an rubbed a hole right though.
  17. samuell


    Yeh , thats looking like the best advice, out even the 10 to 15 not winds can give you a hard time.Then you put thermals on top it all gets a hand full at times.In the gusty wind it seems better if you slow down and in the turns just take more time and go a bit wider.
  18. samuell


    Thanks Kaz will go and check it out
  19. samuell


  20. samuell


  21. samuell


    Does anybody have any advice on handling stong wind at low altiude , it seems the best is to slow down and take longer in your turns.Whats the best way to handle it when youve got 20 to 30 knots with gust on top.Also out you have the thermals as well, any advice or help would be great .Cheers Sam
  22. samuell


    Yes to me there was quite abit of diferents , the xl seems to me to be alot more slippery though the air .No were as dragy as the slats , the xl handles wind gust alot better, in the old one it was quite scary when you got a sudden gust.The xl cruise is a bit better , not alot.Thats why i think if you want a fast plane look else were ,they are great for what they are designed for.The best thing with the xl was more leg room , im 6f 1inch so the leg room was great compared to the old one.A bit less vision over the dash in the xl but not to bad.Just great little plane Mark. Cheers sam
  23. samuell


  24. samuell


    I live on a property near Wilcannia kyle,ive done nearly 500 hours in the savy just great for property use spoting stock and checking waters.
  25. samuell


    I've been reading though the post on savannahs.I've had the slated savannah and now have the xl .My opinion is the savannah is what it is , if you want a better looking plane or faster plane buy a different model.Both mine have been fantastic for low and slow flying, even the 85 knots is better than driving.So don't like it, look at another options is my advice, can't beat it for hard country to fly in. Cheers Sam
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