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Everything posted by pete8862

  1. Dont forget the Bushcaddy R80, it's a very strong aircraft. Pete
  2. Distance for me also, if its on the east coast at least have it half way
  3. Good onya Dave, I hope to start a Sierra taildrager build this year myself, I hope it looks as good as yours. Pete
  4. I'm a bit tall to fit into the early jabs, i wish they had some more leg room. It would have to be at least a 170 to be comfortable. Pete
  5. Thanks guys, I am just tossing up ideas at the moment. Pete
  6. Hi everyone, I am tossing up if I should change from Raa to Ga, as I can't see the advantage in Raa. The price of Raa aircraft seem to be to high for me, icould get a Cessna 150 or Piper Tomahawk for half to price of a Jabiru or the like. Can some of you more experienced pilots give me some advice please. Pete
  7. Great work Tomo, You seem to lead a charmed life (I'm sure you work hard at it though) Thanks Pete
  8. I have just got home from Fraser, the pilot landed at Orchard Beach airstip at about 7.45 that morning while I was waiting for the shop to open, I talked to him for about 1/4 hour & checked out the plane. He was picking up three passengers to go back to Hervey Bay & then heading back to the beach for joy flights. Thats all I have. Pete
  9. Can anyone give me your thoughts on the Renegades as a practical first plane. Maybe with a 80 Rotax?
  10. I was driving over the Gateway bridge in Brisbane the other day & noticed the wind socks indicating the wind was coming from the west, next I saw a passenger jet landing from the west with the wind. Is this normal or do they have set time they can land certain ways?? It was blowing about 20 knots. Pete
  11. Do we know what type of plane it was?? Pete
  12. The price is fine, as a smoker & a drinker I can tell you I spend a lot more on these than flying. Pete
  13. The price is fine, as a smoker & a drinker I can tell you I spend a lot more on these than flying. Pete
  14. The aircraft in question is one I have been thinking about building, there has been alot said on this forum about them, I still think they are a very good aircraft & will be getting my kit under way early next year. The way it stood up to the crash has impressed me, the other problems that have come up have just given me a few more things that I will make sure are built better on my plane. Pete
  15. I hope so, I have been keen to get a 150 Cessna, so this might be what I have been waiting for. Pete
  16. Can someone tell me, where you say single passenger do you mean pilot only or pilot & single passenger?? Pete
  17. I went for a fly yesterday, it was great, a little blowy but that just makes it fun doesn't it Pete
  18. will be very interested to see how it goes with the Rotax Pete
  19. You are doing a great job, can't wait to see it in the air Pete
  20. I would love to see photos
  21. Hi Cosmick, Thanks for the reminder, I saw the short for it but did'nt get the time. Pete
  22. Can anyone tell me what the engine is? Pete
  23. Can anyone help. Can you get plans for Skyfox wings or is there someone on here that can help me find some? Pete
  24. That looks great, who cares about the script the flying effects look terrific. Pete
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