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Everything posted by pete8862

  1. I can't even send a PM to anyone so I would'nt handle a big change all at once. Pete
  2. Thanks Alan, What engine are you running in yours, & why did you go for the Sierra. Pete
  3. I hav'nt seen anything on here about the Joey2, the specs look great. Pete
  4. I don't believe you would, they are linked on the DOT system, RAA is not. Go for your life. Pete
  5. That's what I thought.
  6. Thanks Don Pete
  7. I think thats fair enough, it was only when i read that in the mag that i thought i would ask. He did say something about a STC or a CAR 35 approval, not sure what they are. Pete
  8. I have just heard back from Steve & he said no way no how, end of story
  9. I mean the engineering side so I know what to say to Steve
  10. Thanks Nev, thats exactly what I was thinking, who do I talk to to try to find out if this is possible? Pete
  11. What got me thinking was an article in the latest mag, about modifying aircraft, & i'm sure Steve talked about re engineering a Cessna to lighten it???
  12. Can anyone give me some advise, I was woundering if you had a Cessna 150 with a stuffed engine, @ repaced it with a rotax 100hp would the weight saving let it get into RAA or would you have to re engineer for further weight saving, if so how do you go about doing this. Any ideas Pete
  13. Looks like it was a great day, wanted to go but had to head north Pete
  14. The Lightwing was bought for the sons to learn (they lost interest) and is on loan to a bloke who hardly flies it. Hangared 7 hrs away Hi Sue, I'm looking for a Lightwing to buy if you are ever wanting to sell? Pete
  15. Hi Neil, I walked straight past you late arvo & did'nt recognize you, I will try to catch up next time. Pete
  16. Good on you Chris, I will catch up with you up there one day. What days do you normaly fly. Pete
  17. I thought it was the festival of flight at Caboolture on that date??????
  18. Can anyone tell me when this airshow is on or post a link so I can get some imformation Pete
  19. Hi Winsor, Very handy to get use to nose wheel first, I wish the tailwheel had a bit more power but it's not to bad. John has a Cessna 180 as his own plane so he does like taildraggers. I have to get my x country out the way before I do any more, should be this week or next. They also have the use of a Jabiru. Pete
  20. Yes as i said they are a great crew with a good setup, good to hear you enjoyed it.I have just organized my flight for tomorrow, probably go to Kilcoy & Watts. Pete
  21. They have two planes, it does'nt matter which one of the guys you go up with i've been up with both and they are good instuctors. I'm hoping to have a fly on Sunday
  22. Thanks John, I'll keep trying. Pete
  23. Hi John, I can't seem to get the photos to come up, any ideas why? Pete
  24. I like it, I can't see what the fuss is about. There are so many other things that need to be looked at in the world of aviation. Pete
  25. Good onya Evan,
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