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Everything posted by pete8862

  1. I'm learning at Coominya, about 30 minutes from ipswich, John does a great job he's got lots of time to help you through the hard bits. Pete
  2. I will Nev, thanks
  3. Well I finaly did it, I had a go in a tailwheel. It was very interesting if not a little scary at first, the Lightwing has a 80 Hp engine so it was a little sluggish off the mark but seemed to lift off faster than the 100 Hp nosewheel i normaly fly. taxiing was'nt to much trouble, we ended up doing touch & goes with general airwork to get used to the aircraft. All up I had heaps of fun & will continue to get the hang of it, although I would like it to have a bit more power. Pete
  4. That's just what I want, how do I help to get that approved. Pete
  5. Thanks Nev
  6. Hi to everone, I was wanting to know if there is a restricted GA licence available, I heard there was, if so where do you look to find out about it. Pete
  7. This is a very sad thing to happen. As a new pilot it puts the wind up me to hear that this can happen to someone who had much more time in the seat than myself, I will be concerntrating much harder next time I fly. My thoughts are with the family. Pete
  8. Might be a lot of money, but dont they look good. Pete
  9. Hi Evan, I was looking at building or getting a plane that needed repairing but my dear wife has said that if i want a plane it has to be factory built (Idon't think she trusts me to finish a build) Pete
  10. Can anyone who owns a 170 Jab or own a 2200 engine give me an honest apprasial of there plane or engine, I here so many stories mostly from people who dont own or fly them, so can some of you jab folk respond please. Pete
  11. do'nt the yanks call our type of aircraft sport planes
  12. Has anyone checked out the Metal Works engines that Australian Lightwing are promoting?
  13. It's the best feeling when you finaly go solo, I think you fly a bit better when there is no one to help, at least I feel that I fly better, good on you it gets a lot better (solos, passengers, navs) Pete
  14. Did anyone else go to the Old Station fly in. It was quite good bar the dodging of showers to get home. Pete (i dont know how to post photos)
  15. Hi All, Does anyone know anything about Aerovee engines, the prices are great but why do people shy away from this type of engine. I would like to hear for & against Pete
  16. Just a couple of photos Pete
  17. Hi Maj, We must'nt have missed you by much, we arived at about 11.00. It was a very good event Saturday night was great, lies & tall stories all round, the band was entertaining, food was good, the fires were most welcome. I got to meet up with heaps of people I don't know if they were of the site or not. The flight back was interesting dodging the showers, by halfway back to Gympie the showers had cleared. Good fun all round. Pete ps. I wil post some photos later
  18. Thanks Ian
  19. Hi to you all, Just wondering if anyone has received their RAA mag this month. Pete
  20. I had a mate who i went fishing with to stanage bay he stood on a stone fish, the most painful thing i have ever seen a bloke go though. he did get his first ride in the rescue helicoptor Pete
  21. I am going up in a mates Savannah 5188, should be there by 11.00 Can't wait. Pete
  22. Ive got a lift now, so i won't sulk anymore Peter
  23. Looks like I have lost my lift, anyone want a passenger? Pete
  24. Hi Tomo, I've lost my lift to Old Station, do you know anyone who wants a passenger. Pete
    1. Tomo


      I'll ask around if you want - you could always make a thread up asking on the forums also.
  25. Hi Neil, I've lost my lift to Old Station, do you know of anyone going that wants a passenger?
    1. Ballpoint 246niner

      Ballpoint 246niner

      I'll look into it mate and let you know.
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