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Everything posted by pete8862

  1. Can anyone shed some light on the new airfeild that has been approved at Lake Carendon near Gatton
  2. Hi, Does that price incude gst Peter
  3. I fly in a Lightwing for my lessons and I love it, I would buy one but they dont carry enough fuel Pete
  4. Good on you Sam, Did you get rid of the old one? I gave your info to someone who was interested (Bill) Pete
  5. I had my first two good take offs today, very proud of myself Pete
  6. Good on you Damien
  7. Well thanks to Walter I had my first fly in a Savannah, we had a great trip to Orchid Beach. I was very impressed with the Sav, a most enjoyable plane to fly. I think I have found the plane I want. The weather was perfect, Whales were out frolicking. Thanks again Walter
  8. Hi All, Can anyone tell me how do you find out who is a good instructor & who is not so good Pete
  9. Hi all, I have just looked at a plane that has been imported from the States, I would like to know what is involved in getting it in the air again. It seems in fair condition & complete. Any ides? Pete
  10. Hi everyone, I am looking to buy a Jab, do'es anyone own one in the Brisbane area that I could have a look at I am trying to work out which would suit me best? Pete
  11. Thanks for the welcome, & yes it is Johns place he has been very helpful, I see you have a lightwing are you happy with it & do you know of any for sale? Peter
  12. Thanks Walter, I will have hanger space down here but at fraser I will be exposed to the weather, I think I will have to get some sort of slip on cover made. Peter
  13. Thanks to all, I am learning in a Lightwing, just had lesson 2, so far so good. Looking for something like a Savannah, I will be flying to & from Fraser Is. each week so there is a few things I have to take into account ie, cruise speed, land on rough air strips Pete
  14. Hi all, Just started learning, hope to buy soon. Peter
  15. Hi, just wondering if the plane is still for sale? If so can I get some information & photos Peter
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