I am probably not the first nav student to spot this, but I thought it was worth a mention.
I have an ASA E6-B Flight Computer (Metal), and on the wind correction side there are instruction
at the top "For Ground Speed and True Heading" if you use this to calculate drift and magnetic heading, you will get opposite drift, (groundspeed as well). In point two it states "Mark Wind Velocity up from Centre Point" when in fact you need to mark the wind velocity down from the centre point to get the correct drift and groundspeed.
If anyone has one of these Flight computers, can you give me some feedback, as I have been using
it as written and wondering why I was reversing my drift etc. I will also make the point that in the Dyson-Holland nav instruction it does state to mark the wind velocity below the centre mark, but I did not spot the difference until I had re-read the nav instruction, because I thought I was doing something wrong. The heading "For Ground Speed and TRUE Heading" might be a clue but I was following the directions on a technical piece of proven equipment, so how could it lead me astray.