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  1. Wow! Before reading some of the stories on here I wouldnt have placed so much emphasis on some things like last light and the affect of cloud. Good story, admitting mistakes, learning a lesson and posting it on here teaches us all a lesson!
  2. Yeah I'm learning in the Grob 115, I only have 5 hours but just moved to Adelaide just to fly, so hopefully going to be getting at least 2 hours a week soon. I have the flying bug badly I have always wanted to fly. As for the questions I plan to ask many! thats the main reason I came across the site and I'm really glad I did everyone is great on here!!:thumb_up:
  3. Thankyou all!! I only joined the site last night and very glad and I wont be making poor plans that will get me in risky situations!! :)
  4. thanks :)
  5. Hey all, Just hoping I could get some help with some questions I have. 1-When doing the flight plan, If I plan to be at my destination 10 minutes before end of light but discover for some reason for eg weather, I cant land there. I'm obviously now in a serious situation. Does the law say that I have to factor in enough time to get to an alternate destination with still 10 minutes before end of light, or just the destination I was originally planning on? Does it all just come down to good planning and airmanship not to be caught in this situation? 2-The law states that no turns contrary to the circuit until 500 feet above the 'highest circuit in use'. How do I find out at that time what the highest circuit in use is? In case there are aircraft using the circuit 1500 ft AGL? Thanks guys I appreciate any feedback Safe flying!!!! Andy
  6. I was just searching the web for a forum to help me with my studies and some questions I am not sure about. Looks like a good site. I have just started learning and have the flying bug hardcore! I am yet to go solo... :) safe flying all! Andy
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