Is there any more videos that belong to this set? They're quite an informative bunch of videos for anyone working on or contemplating buying a drifter.
170 wins in my book. Identical fuselage to the j160, but longer wings. Better short field performance, much better usable load, however, it will float along the runway a bit if you're a few kts too fast on shirt final though. From the 160's and 170's I've flown the 170 seems to be 4 or 5 knots slower.
While we're on the subject of fpv, here's a video from a mate that was taken early this week. Human error, forgot to put antenna on and I think he had the return to home mis configured.. It certainly didn't function correctly. Quiet an expensive day out.
This is how my current aerobatic fleet stands. Dynam Pitts Python, E-flite Yak54, ST-Models MX2, and Hobby King Pitts and MX2. I realised after I took the picture that i'm missing the Ultra-micro sbach 347 and Pitts Beast from the picture.
Also have a Hangar 9 Pawnee, F27Q Stryker, F27C Stryker, Mig 15, A 40 sized nitro trainer, Fox Glider, Trex 450SE v2 Heli, Scarab QuadCopter setup for FPV, and a few foamie shock flyers.
I was taught to always remove the cowl and do a thorough under cowl engine inspection as part of a daily. And I know others that learnt to fly at other schools have been taught the same. Personally, I think it's a good idea and plan to keep doing so.
Remember the J170 has a 600kg mtow, and the J160 is 540kg. The A22LS is 600kg Mtow as well, with the A22L being lower.
Being on the heavier side as well, i mostly fly the J170 for the MTOW. MTOW and usable load are the first think i evaluate when i look at an aircraft! If it cant carry 2 110kg guys and a some fuel.... there aint much point in flying it for me.
I really wish there was a foxbat or two for hire and fly around SA.
That looks like 4971 in your picture. I fly 5246 and 7560.
Doug, You been flying around Bowhill I see. do you mind if i pass that on to the property owners in the pic?? They're good friends and almost neighbours of mine.
Woohoo!!, Have u looked into flying closer to home yet? or going to keep treking to the riverland to fly for a while? I'll let you know next time i have a spare seat..... it's odd sitting in the right hand seat and NOT flying when you're very used to the left and being PIC!
Well done :)
It was a great day, dodging a rain shower or 2 just adds to the adventure!! Even got treated to some impressive Aeros from a Pitts when i got back to Murray Bridge. Always great to watch!
I can guarantee an experience not necessarily good tho
But in all seriousnes, saturday was a great morning flying around with SAJabiruflyer. Lots of fun was had, and contrary to popular belief, I can report that he is a competent and safe pilot and CAN land a jabiru.
Have you seen the ipad knee dock?
Your mounting options are going to be different depending on the panel and instruments you have. I've used ozrunways on the ipad quite a bit with it sitting on my leg. Works pretty well.