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Everything posted by Acky

  1. I did the same. I got a surprisingly large box arrive in the mail a few weeks ago. Pretty good for $15 i reckon :)
  2. I've done probably 70% of my dual hrs with Mike. I get along with him fairly well. I remember on my first dual nav, i flew a crap circuit, and my landing was crap....he just looked at me and said.... "I'm not happy with that. do it again" lol. it was the worst circuit that i can recall tho. I ALMOST went to the airport on sundayto finish of my conversion to the J230, but the weather was too good, and Mike wants to do some crosswind work with me in it before he signs me off. Are you planning on flying the Gazelle more soon?
  3. SAJ, there is a Gazelle at Murray bridge that im seriously considering spending some time in soon.... but what Tailwheelers are you looking at? There is the Sportscubs at aldinga, but i havent found much else around in SA.... what am i missing? I've also heard about a lightwing at renmark. I think the Gazelle would be nice for the local short distance flights...where you want to se the world a bit slower.
  4. I'm only 6', but over 100kg, and fit in a j160 or j170 with no issues. The j230 is a cosier fit, but still not an issue. I've seen a 6'4" guy getting out of a Jab before..... It's going to be dependent on your leg length vs torso length. :)
  5. Listen to your airport of choice on liveatc.net while you monitor the traffic on flightradar24.com
  6. It seems theres a whole bunch of free stuff you can get from CASA if you're willing to pay the $15 flat postage fee. Why not pick up some of the other publications at the same time and only pay the postage once?
  7. congrats :) good stuff. all my cards have taken 1-2 weeks to arrive. i think i'm on my 3rd card for the year :)
  8. for a bit more variety at Murray Bridge try Murray Bridge Light Aircraft. J160, J170, J230 and a Skyfox gazelle. www.mblafs.com.au Murray Bridge is 50-60mins from Adelaide CBD.
  9. Congrats mate! i got my pax endorsment a few weeks ago (and my nav endorsemetn last week), and i took my dad for a flight yesterday. Actually went down your way to goolwa, then over the murray mouth down to meningie and back to tailem bend and around a bit. It was cool to finally take a real passenger!! Not sure who to take up next!
  10. I believe most tyre shops are reluctant to sell you tires for an aircraft. But i believe they sell ribbed tyres for ride on mowers!
  11. Congrats on your solo Hildy, It's a good feeling. They certainly do like to climb without the added weight of the instructor in the right seat!
  12. lucky i was maps and charts boy :)
  13. Gnu, I'd just do the RAA BAK. He won't charge you to do it.. Do the GA BAK at a later date when the extra work is more applicable. I was a bit nervous about the BAK, but it wasn't an issue at all. Cheers, Acky.
  14. Thanks guys, seems like it's an overwhelming "No" Unfortunately. I was hoping there was a way it would count under Total Aeronautical Experience. I enjoyed the time in a slightly larger xpndr quipped aircraft, equipped to track to VOR's and NDB's, as well as the flying into a fairly busy environment. I think i might record the flights and some notes in my logbook, but not include hours. Thanks. Acky.
  15. Hi, Just a question for those in the know. If i'm an RAA licenced pilot, and i fly in the Right hand seat of a Cessna, but actively participate in the nav etc, is it ok for me to log those hours as Dual hrs in my log book? We flew over to Avalon and back for the airshow. It was a good experience for me, and a great weekend to boot! Thanks. Acky.
  16. Yep, pretty much what everyone else has said is what i got as well. But speak to your instructor, they should be able to point you in the right direction as well. I got the ammendment service on my copy of ERSA, and the VNC for my area. Don't really need it on the other charts at the moment. Just got the new ERSA in the mail the other day :) oh, don't forget to pack your sense of humour, and get a shocked look ready in case you make it to your first destination!
  17. Good stuff! :clap2: how was the whole experience? I've got my first nave booked for next weekend. so that should be interesting. Have done a theory course and passed the exam, so its just th flights left now.
  18. The other thing is, when u do an exam, if there is a question that you are unsure about...don't worry about it and leave it till the end. The answer may well be hidden somewhere else in the exam :P It's amazing how often you find the answer somewhere, or another questions helps prompt you to come up with the right answer :)
  19. Thanks Maj, love the photos, and like the mirror on the spat too so you can keep an eye on the passenger! I've heard of drifters referred to as a 'magic carpet ride'. It must be a bit odd for the first few flights having nothing around you! After i've got some hours under my belt in the Jabirus and finished the navs etc, i plan to find somewhere to learn to fly a drifter, but can't find any schools in SA that have one! Might have to go interstate!
  20. And bugs in their teeth I've had a few flights in the last few months that would have been horrendous in an open cockpit due to the swarms of locusts! Had a number of lessons that involved half an hour of washing the locust guts off after
  21. I've spent a fair while in the back seat of a drifter. I really don't think it would be possible from what i remember. How do the open cockpit guys do it?
  22. Thanks guys. I realised about 20mins in when i realised that my stick hand was really sweaty and i had a monster grip on the stick, so i let go of the stick for a bit and had slight rethink of things......got on much better after that and it was all good from then on in. Still had the adrenalin shake at the end of the flight though. I've got some time booked on friday morning, going to do my first small venture away from the airport and training area. Looking forward too it immensely! I also recieved what seems like half a tree worth of charts and ersa today! I keep thinking more and more that the navigation might be a challenge of cockpit workload and organisation, as much as a challenge of navigation.
  23. After an aborted flight test on saturday due to low cloud, and 24hrs of dread and worry about my upcoming rescheduled flight test, It went off mostly without a hitch on sunday, and i passed :) Did everyone else feel a little(lot) stressed when doing this? i think it was as bad, if not worse than my first solo flight! But it was such a good feeling to have it passed and out of the way :) Next stop, passenger and cross country endorsements!
  24. Hahaha Yep, I've heard those exact words numerous times myself, even to the point that i hear them in my head sometimes. hold it off hold it off hold it off I did my flight test today, and passed! and i think i did my best consecutive landings ever, i was very happy with all my landings....you just have to keep holding it off :) Now, after i've got the mains down, i try and keep the nose wheel up till i run out of elevator authority, it can be a lot of fun :)
  25. Just to clarify, i had rising oil temp, not CHT as well. I'd be interested to know what speed the guy was climbing at, but i doubt we will find out. I think i could have maintained my 80kt climb without getting into the red, but broke it up into chunks as a precaution. I don't want to be responsible for damaging an aircraft!
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