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Everything posted by skyfox1

  1. Hi Maj did you have a price for landing gear and wheels & brakes. cheers Geoff
  2. Hi Phil How was the flight bet you cant wait to do it in your 701 . My wings are all finished just had to make the new jury strut attachments l am making my jury struts out of 4130 chromoly ,now l can get back to finishing of the fuse . cheers Geoff.
  3. Hi Phil l am going to the Torradin Fly in and open day on the 1st Dec you should test out your navs and come over. l am booking a flight with one of Mat Halls flights should be fun . cheers Geoff.
  4. Hi Phil yes l though it was time to clean out the dead wood and start again.
  5. What type and sizes of wheels and brakes Maj. cheers Geoff.
  6. Thanks Allan hope mine will be finished by then so could fly it up . cheers Geoff.
  7. Hi Phil are you going up to see Allan and fly his 750 , is the fly-in still on l though it was on 23 Feb next year according to the Zenith web site. Have been making silage with the neighbor the last few days so have done anything on the 701 going down to Peter Mac for checkup Friday so this week has been slow with the build,enjoy your flight. cheers Geoff.
  8. Hi Phil Didn't get to paint yet had other jobs on this week, good to see you have finished your navs l have changed all my controls l have put the Savs in my 701 except the mixer l have left it as it made out of chromoly and it isn't as bulky l have the aluminum tubes but they are longer than the all thread l took out l will have to see if there is enough adjustment to trim it back the same . l want to change the flap controls they are a bit primitive . Is yours resisted yet . cheers Geoff.
  9. If it keeps going the way it is there will a lot of unregistered aircraft flying out there,we will go back to the eighties when things were so simple then .
  10. Hi Phil Yes you could you just have to make the brackets suit the mounting holes in the bed mount wouldn't be hard at all . Received the plans today will copy them and return them thanks again. Stripped the paint from the last wing yesterday and have put the new slat brackets on and nearly finished installing the wing tank today, just got to bend up the doublers to reinforce the wing upgrades then put the skins back on and l will start spray painting the lot. cheers Geoff.
  11. l get all my AN bolts from US they are made by Airfasco industries and not the cheap Chinese copies l just order two hundred bolts an 100 nuts and with postage was only $67.00.US
  12. Hi Phil sounds like a plan so you better pull your finger out and get it finished. cheers Geoff.
  13. Hi EK l have a friend who converts the rocket chutes to spring loaded thats why your cant find anything on the net but the old parachutes Australia models were already spring loaded. l get mine off ebay and have a friend in German l can get them from the chutes tested then l get them converted here in Victoria. cheers Geoff.
  14. EK mine is not an injection seat just a spring loaded chute like a BRS chute without the rocket you would deploy it when neededif your plane wont fly then you would care what height you where at if it was going to help save your like just pull the lever and squease you butt checks together and hang on . cheers Geoff.
  15. Hi Mark Mine is spring loaded so no rocket will have to deploy it at higher altitude yours will be soft pack which will be lighter than mine . That's the problem these days to many numbskulls every where . EK you have convinced me l will keep my top visibility but will go with the highest UV protection l can get. cheers Geoff.
  16. Hi Phil the Zenith open day has changed it is on the 23/02/13 at Bendigo airport . cheers Geoff.
  17. Hi again Mark l will do the same pre drill first thanks again,l notice in the pic you have a emergence chute where did you put the actual chute ,l have a chute that l was going to install while testing l was looking to fined the best place to mount it is a canister type from parachute Australia. cheers Geoff.
  18. skyfox1

    Imported Item

    Hi daddy-jake l found out the aircraft is a Boorabee ,.it was designed by a guy named Tom Cadet.
  19. Hi Mark l might do that l have a mate who owns tint a car l wasn't sure if that would last your tint is on the inside how did the tint go when you drilled the holes did if lift off any where. cheers Geoff.
  20. Hi Mark Thank for the pics l cant have the sun coming in on me that's why l have to cover mine or reduce the UVs l was trying to find some tinted lexan . cheers Geoff.
  21. Hi Phil Glad to see you have nearly done your navs no excuse not to fly up here . Will have to check on the date 17/11/12 that's the date Allan Barton told me months ago . cheers Geoff.
  22. Hi Phil another set back today l am rebuilding my 912 my replacement piston for the one that had the broken oil ring is 15 grams heavier than the rest so l have to stop the rebuild till l get the right one another two to three weeks to get it sent out , at least l can still continue on the aircraft . Is your 701 painted in two pack . cheers Geoff
  23. Hi Phil My paint scheme is going to be red and white, red slats white wings white airframe with some sort of stripping haven't decided on that bit yet don't want it to hard so its easy to mask up and red rudder and elevator half white and red cowlings. l did see this really nice metallic midnight blue that l saw on a car . l am starting to unpick the rivets on the horizontal stabilizer to see why the brackets that bolt on to the fuselage are loose an other job . and l don't like the hinge bracket to the elevator l am changing that also as the one that is on it is elongated to thin no bearing surface for the bolt and sleeve . cheers Geoff.
  24. Thanks FT very interesting .
  25. Hi Phil you can only offer he will only say yes or no . Depending on the type of paint used will determine if that citra strip will work good or not when you do it paint it on an area then get some glad wrap lay over the top stops it dying out gives it more time do do its job l normally leave it on all night l is not harmful and it is biodegradable once on all night i take it outside and pressure wash it off my pressure washer is 3500 psi does the job . Yes l am going to use some 2024T3 aluminum sheet on top going to make some ribs and keep the same contour as the wing . the only thing about that that it stops the airflow getting to the rudder and that's part of the 701 design l have spoke to some other 701 owners in the US that have a similar mod and they say it doesn't affect the handling. cheers Geoff.
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