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Everything posted by skyfox1

  1. Hi Ek l have spoke to a few aeronautical engineers and have learnt a lot about the transfer of loads when stiffening up areas of an aircraft changing compression loads to tensional loads on aircraft components the area that the top bennie mod needs strengthening anyway as Zenith have advised people that use rough runways needs to be done as some have had trouble in this area. cheers Geoff.
  2. Hi l would be happy to lose visibility than to get back what l have taking three years to get rid of.
  3. Hi Phil l will get the coordinates of Williams strip it is 1000 mts l think it would be long enough for you to land there.. l have been looking at 68 inch brogla sports prop some people say they are a bit light for what l need or l might get a warp drive from the US. Make him an offer on the pup he might take $10.000 for it give you something to fly while you are building and buy your wife some flowers or get her a new washing machine that will keep them happy when you get an other aircraft, at one stage there l have 4 aircraft in me shed and my power chute my wife loves flying so it is easy for me . What is your paint like on it and depends on what it was painted with as how hard to strip. l have ordered all my new bolts today from the US l am replacing all the bolts on the 701 also l am trying to find some dark tinted Lexan for the top part of the screen l am not supposed to be in the sun for long l might even put a bennie mod on top block out the sun completely. cheers Geoff
  4. Hi Phil Have finished one wing completely installed wing tank just got to get some rivnuts to put in my inspection plate for the fuel lines. Also have rebuilt all my heads for the 912 start assembling the motor now soon as my new rings arrive and new lifters. Still haven't ordered my new wheels or brakes yet . l am wait for my runway to dry out so l can take the drifter out for a fly . It will be good to get the Tyro back in the air send some pics when it is done . While you are doing your navs fly down this way it will be a good test for you its only a couple of hours. cheers Geoff.
  5. Yes turn the key to off.
  6. l would rather buy from Recreation Flying shop support Ian...
  7. Thats alright l though that was my job exposing you all .
  8. Hi Ian was that me l wonder what happened l couldn't fix it because it vanished from screen . cheers Geoff.
  9. Hi Phil have seen this one of Rons , made doubles for wing attachments today nearly finished the wing tanks wait for some rivets. cheers Geoff.
  10. Thats right dazza nothing wrong with jabiru engines mine holds my boat fine when at anchor.
  11. Hi Phil thanks for the pic, l will have to put the whole on the other side of the rib different tank hose comes out the rear of the tank. l found all of the wing updates but cant do them all unless l pull all of the top skin off . do you have the updated wing or the standard wing . cheers Geoff..
  12. Hi Thanks Phil will do the same . cheers Geoff.
  13. Hi Phil mine just has the u shape, to make it stronger they make a Z shape and put that on turning it in to a box section. does your have wing tanks . cheers Geoff.
  14. Hi Phil l buy all my metals from H-aircraft spares in Moorabin. l have been installing my wing tanks and because they are out of a savannah the tubes that come out for the fuel gauge wont work for mine so l am taking them out and blanking them off . l have bent up some brackets to hold the tanks in place ,what system do you have on your wings to check the fuel lines and for replacement when needed. l have to make some inspection holes ,also l have made a z brace for the top of the fus they say they can buckle if used on rough strips. has yours got them they are 7f5-3. cheers Geoff.
  15. l agree EK nice to know its there if needed . cheers Geoff.
  16. Hi EK thanks l knew you are a wealth of knowledge, l have the original 1986 wings so l will do the updates . cheers Geoff.
  17. Hi Phil how did you go with the replacement did it fit .l have check on the Zenith site for the updates. cheers Geoff
  18. Hi Phil just take the kink out and put a doubler there should work fine ,l will hear from you after tea see how you went. cheers Geoff
  19. Hi Phil why do you have to replace the 7f6-5 have you removed the old one . here are some pics
  20. Hi EK you have a lot of knowledge on these aircraft you must do a lot of study, do you know of the upgrades for the wings l cant see any improvements on my plans that aren't already on the wings . cheers Geoff.
  21. Hi Phil how old is the bungee might have stretched, has to be a reason. removed all the rivets from the leading ledge skin today to replace the slat brackets and cut a hole in the top skin to fit the fuel tank. going to run a wire so l can put strobes on the wing tips also. cheers Geoff.
  22. Hi Phil Mine is 160 mm from the plate to the center of the hole and my new bungee is 12 inches not sure why you aren't getting the tension but mine nose leg is off a 750 and is 30mm higher on the bungee attatcment tubes ,mine is real tight l just hope it is not to tight . cheers Geoff.
  23. Hi Phil What is the distance from the bottom plate to the center of the bungee hole and what is the diameter of your bungee ring. l will let you know if l find some boots . cheers Geoff.
  24. Hi Phil the bottom bearing looks good do you have a bearing on top of the nose leg ,the whole air craft is coming along nicely your a bit more advanced that mine . What stops the top of the nose leg hitting your engine mount tubes .. l changed the joy stick today l have put a savannah controls on l think they are a lot better than the 701s and installed my headed tank also off a savannah l have started to install the savannah wing tanks it will be half 701 and half savannah l will have to change its name.savy701. l am looking for a rubber boots to put on the steering rods l don't like the slide . What size tyres do you have on . cheers Geoff.
  25. Cant beat a harrier jump jet love to have one.
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