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Everything posted by skyfox1

  1. Hi it needed a rebuild because hard landings have bent and split the fire wall main undercart spring is badly bent needs replacing ,the nose leg has worn a large grove where it rubs metal to metal the slats have been removed and the attachment plates have been cut off, l will pull the wings apart to replace the attachment plates and also do the wing updates. The list goes on and on so l have decided to strip it down and start again what l though was a bargain is going to cost a bit more than l though but l enjoy doing it so l am happy to do so . Because it is the first of its type here it also needs updating .
  2. Hi no not on another 701 site you can read and see the condition my 701 is in on this site its the Zenith ch-701 thread. cheers Geoff. Zenith CH-701 thread
  3. Never though of Graeme , have you read the other Zenith 701 posts Paul . have you been doing must flying.
  4. Hi Paul you have got to be joking aircraft needs a full rebuild plus the engine needs the same . cheers Geoff.
  5. Hi phil l will PM you my details. cheers Geoff.
  6. Hi Phil the right side of the fus looks bent out and there is no stiffner at the rear l have doublers in that area. will take pics so you can compare. cheers Geoff.
  7. Hi Phil l have the 2003 plans if that's any help, l would like the CD let me know what l owe you you can PM me for details . l have got my bits from Zenith l am going to order some brakes soon from Aircraft Spruce haven't made up my mind which way to go yet . What plans do you have . cheers Geoff.
  8. Hi Phil some pics so far fire wall is back on and new main spring
  9. Hi Phil l don't have the CD l don't know why they would do that not sure of the benefits l know l put crimps on the radius not on flat surface. Put my main spring on today so l could wheel it around l had to clean up my shed sick of tripping over stuff l have to many projects on the go l am doing a rebuild on my 912 it had a broken oil ring its done 351 hrs no 1 cylinder wasn't running properly so l have completely striped the motor down new piston and rings new seals also l am putting a gear box on with a slipper clutch taking of the standard . Putting wing tanks in and putting the slat attachment plates back on so l have to un pick the skins . Heaps of work to keep me busy. cheers Geoff.
  10. Haven't had anything to do with a N3PuP they look like a Cub thats an aircraft l would like .
  11. Hi Phil no dont know of any, get yourself a real ultralight get a Drifter to fly while you are building the 701 thats what l do cheers Geoff.
  12. Hi Winsor l have had mine working for about nine months l have two cells working they draw 25watts you can regulate the wattage by the electrolyte concentration l use distilled water and caustic soda l carry three lites of electrolyte l have only topped it up every three months and put about 500 mls. The hydrogen gas passes through white vinegar to neutrilise the caustic then feed into the air intake my cuts in when l push the throttle l run my cruiser on cooking oil diesel mix and hydrogen and sometimes LP gas as well. here is a diagram of how it is produced cheers Geoff.
  13. Hi l run hydrogen fuel cells on my diesel 80 series land cruiser l often thought of putting one on 912 .
  14. Hi Eight knots if you google Poly U400 you will get the specs on the paint l have painted 4 aircraft with it so far good results . Cheers Geoff.
  15. Hi the previous own had painted it with house paint . l am painting it with polyu 400 two pack paint . l did paint a car years ago with house paint with hardner it was oil base paint it worked well but l will be using proper paint on my 701. cheers Geoff.
  16. Hi Phil l have finished make all the parts for my fire wall and nose gear and have started to rivet it all back together , will send pics when that part is done . l have imported my new control cables and swages l am using 7x19x 1/8 stainless steel cable . l have stripped all the paint from the 701 using citrastrip it is biodegradable and 3800 psi pressure washer worked well mine had been painted using house paint with a hardener . DONT sand aluminum you will encourage corrosion destroy the protective coating on the 6061 . when you get time could you take some pics of the Tyros engine free air cowling that l made a friend would like to copy it been along time since l did that . cheers Geoff
  17. Hi JimG go Zenith CH-701 Thread post #32 there is a photo of my old Tyro with a free air 503 l will see if Phil will take some pics of the air duct l made for it year ago worked good. cheers Geoff.
  18. Hi yes zenith have all parts needed but l make most of the parts myself because its all aluminum aircraft its easy to fabricate parts, sourcing the quantity of aluminum is the hard part because you only need small amounts
  19. Hi Eightknots that post was five months ago l have got my 701 and stripped it down the only way to find out the question is to do it myself. cheers
  20. Hi Phil mine is coming along slowly l am waiting for some rivets from Zenair and some other parts then l can start to assemble the fire wall. l have made doubles to put in behind where the main spring and strut attachment brackets are it is very weak in that area it does most of the work . Have you put a shim under the rudder hing bracket ,did you measure the rear of the fus or is it the bracket on the rudder itself it maybe on an angle. Is the thimble on the cable hard up against the swag on the bottom looks like it in the pic needs to have movement, are they gal or stainless cables l am replacing all of mine l make them up myself l like to use stainless cable . the swag looks alright like to swag the center of the swag to make sure l have the best grip we took some swages a few years ago to Morrabin airport for testing on there machine the cable broke and my sway stay perfect so l have done them the same way ever since. l will send some pics of my updates shortly. cheers Geoff..
  21. Hi it was a Skyfox gazelle
  22. Come on Met and l thought you where going to be my crash test dummy. cheers Geoff
  23. Hi Mat are you taking about where the hole is, that's where they put the battery it was 8.5 kg had no extra support it has bent the doubles l am going to replace them l am in the process of straightening the fus it is not square the whole aircraft has been out of square some sections have been loaded up the rear of the cargo area has split, it was in tension it must have been flexing on the ground and in flight causing the tear it was hidden by the carpet . cheers Geoff.
  24. Hi Phil thank also for the pics l have some from in side the fus for you they are different how people construct of the plans The Tyro looks a bit different than when l built it pod has change color different wind screen l built of plans 12 years ago does it still have the same 503 motor . cheers Geoff
  25. Hi Phil l got a new bungee from zenair it is small than the one that was on it l was the same couldn't get enough tension so l made a new center section move the pin with the new bungee l had to use a breaker bar to lever it on should be plenty of tension now just hope its not to much here are some pics so far not quiet finished yet still some cleaning and filing to do but nearly there. cheers Geoff.
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