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Everything posted by skyfox1

  1. Hi l am looking at a zenith 701 is there any thing that needs a special look at for wear when checking the aircraft it has 912ul the engine has done 351 hrs same as the airframe.
  2. Hi here is a link l puchased the same as these a coulpe of years ago l make all my cables for the Drifter they work good . l made a couple dumby cables with this swag tool took them to morrabin airport they have a testing machine there and all mine passed its only a cheap unit but works great..http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270975020847&fromMakeTrack=true&ssPageName=VIP:watchlink:top:en
  3. Thank goodness for that Pud other wise l would be laughing at someone who flys a Thruster..
  4. Golf course is a waste of a perfectly good airstrip
  5. Excellent flying can see anthing wrong with that, best place to do some low level flying plenty of space to put down in case of engine failure beach was clear if most pilots learnt some low level flying they would be able to handle their aircraft bit better in case of engine failures.
  6. Hi you can still buy semi synthetic penrite oil only got 20lt drum couple of months ago .havent open it yet l am going to use it on my chainsaw and lawn mower. l have changed to castrol 2t active in the 503 they say it is better oil.
  7. skyfox1

    T300 cruise rpm

    No slid slip best rate off climb is 39knts at straight and level 6800 it will do 75knts . Because of my short runway we take off a 50knts to clear the obstacles.
  8. skyfox1

    T300 cruise rpm

    Hi full throttle is 6800 so climb out at full throttle climbs at 50 knts at 5200 cruises at 55knts also depends on conditions. l run a 60 inch three blade ivo prop with a c type gear box with 2.62 ratio on a rotax 503 on a Maxair Drifter. cheers Geoff..
  9. skyfox1

    T300 cruise rpm

    l always climb out at 6800 most off the guys l fly with do the same ,and cruise at 5200.
  10. l wouldn't use rocket launched BRS there is a chance of a misfire when it is really needed ,where as the spring loaded ones l have had converted should be fail safe you are only relying on the spring soon as the top comes off it is ready to deploy.
  11. Hi Bluey give Joe a ring here are all his details.Joe Chitty, 43 Wilfred Road, Ivanhoe, Vic 3079, (03) 9499 6105, Fx 03 9354 2795 , Mbl 0412 704 708. Email: chittyparashoot@aol.com. Tony Maurer, Lot 56 Lee ...
  12. Hi the only difference is the deployment hight
  13. Hi does the rocket need changing, if not l have a chute re packer in Melbourne he has done my chute over the last few times ,one of my BRS chutes he converted to spring loaded got rid off the rocket as it was out of date.. He only charges few hundred dollars he is qualified repacker. cheers Geoff
  14. skyfox1

    T300 cruise rpm

    You Might be better off running a 4 blade with that ratio box
  15. If you are after metals also try H-aircraft spares they are great to deal with.http://www.aviationtrader.com.au/SubsampledImages/AdInstance/04FFCFEE-1.pdf
  16. You could try Aero parts in Hallam in Vic l have dealt with him a lot very resonable http://aeroparts.com.au/shop/.
  17. Same here buy all my aircraft parts from US bert flood is to dear, even with shipping l still get cheaper . Mainly buy from California Power Systems..
  18. My main concern is barbwire fences in my area the farmers are putting up a lot more fences shortening the paddocks for a safe forced landing area especially in the Drifter with no front protection.
  19. If you are after a VW prop try here they might have hubs also http://www.ark-tech.com.au/Propeller requirements.html cheers Geoff
  20. Thanks Tex l will contact Peter and see how l go . l want a change of pace something slow with stol performance, l am going to sell the Skyfox shortly it doesnt get used much dont have the strip for it and mainly use the drifter . ps thanks for the EGT senders great .. cheers Geoff..
  21. Hi thanks l have seen all the footage on utube and other sites l think they are an amazing aircraft what l have seen . l wanted to see if anyone here had any experience with them,l am surprised that we haven't seen them around much . l want something that flys slow and the figures l have they would be ideal what l am after just for fun not for towing. l am going to contact them tomorrow to see what is around. cheers Geoff
  22. Hi has anyone had anything to do with the dragonfly they use them for tugs for hanggliders intrested in performances how they handle. cheers Geoff...
  23. Hi Bacon Jaycar will have all the adapters that you need check them online .
  24. Hi Bacon it is a panel mount .
  25. Thanks FT great reading learnt alot cheers Geoff..
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