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Everything posted by skyfox1

  1. Pud l used a Syschrometer carby flow meter l bought it from UK it was $60 works great .
  2. Hi FT do you have a link
  3. Hi Bacon l have micro air radio and gentex helmets works good l battle with wind noise when talking to passenger i need more shielding..
  4. Hi Pud yes l will keep using castrol active 2t ,l put new needles and jets in the carbys an hr before the grab they are standed rotax specs for sea level and the same as the ones l took out l re syn the carbys also fuel lines are free and clear no restrictions mine is inverted also farri on my maxair . When l pull the motor apart the crank and pistons have a nice coating of oil over them so dont know why for sure it grabbed..
  5. Hi Pud l think it was running to lean hard to say it grabbed at 3000 rpm well thats wereit was when the engine stop at ,the plugs are nice tan color . The only thing different has been l changed to castrol active 2t from penrite hi per. The motor runs to full power the only problem l had a flat spot at 3000 rpm. Its now all pulled apart im going to put a set of standard barrels and pistons in it to get back in the air..
  6. Thanks found the problem both cylinder have grabbed , back to another rebuild. cheers
  7. The carbys are brand new and clean
  8. My 503 has a flat spot or you could call it a miss at 3000 rpm soon as you increace throttle once passed 3100 rpm it is fine changed carbys no difference has anyone got any sugestions to fix the problem . cheers Geoff..
  9. No it has been a scam
  10. skyfox1

    Imported Item

    Could someone tell me what this aircraft is called.
  11. l have emailed him a few times we have talk all about the aircraft when l ask him the rego and why it is still at YCHT he has stopped responding [l curious why that is ]
  12. Hi Bones l finaly got an email from the sell he tells me the aircraft is in Broome in a shipping container ready for delivery at no cost to me and on a seven day trial after l put the $19000 in escro account with Ebay once l am happy notify them and they will pay him. Have any body else had contact with this scam..
  13. skyfox1

    Drifter Pics

    Hi Frank do you have the eletric pump going through the diaphragm or T off seperately to the carbys cheers Geoff..
  14. Hi l also email him 4 times with my ph number and offer his buy it now price when it was first listed and not one reply. must have been a scam.
  15. No money until l see aircraft with my own eyes.
  16. Hi Maj it started at 99c l have sent three email to this seller still no responce must be a scam.
  17. l have sent email to him with my ph number l will buy it now for his price $19000 no responce .
  18. You should know your aircraft have a check list of all the major control linkages wing attachment points all of the main thinks you do before your flight take off your engine cowls check the engine mountings. DONT wait for you hundred hourly inspections things can work lose long before that . As far as lames go word of mouth find one with good rep.
  19. Hi yes 532 are a great engine we have two drifters here that use them they are dual ignition use about 9lts hr heaps of power . the 582 cranks fits also.
  20. Hi Good to see you are progressing check jet and needle size to see if they are for your alt as some differ
  21. Hi 120 psi is perfect same as my 503 l have just rebuilt
  22. Hi Justin the ailerons were set with to much down throw creating heaps of lift and produing to much drag in level flight . There is a standed for setting up of the ailerons yours might be different becuase you have flaps not familiar with your set up..
  23. Hi Justin also check the ailerons to see if they are set even l have fixed to drifters that flew terrible because the ailerons were set with to much camber you always had to have heaps of forward stick pressure to fly level.
  24. Hi Justin his sails have good quality velcro and has seals between control services not sure how the strut braced wings are but my cable braced dont have any zippers not needed.
  25. Hi Justin Wayne would be the best he has made three lots of skin for me excellent job . But here is a link in the US not sure if the do strut braced give them a call http://www.ultralightnews.ca/sails/drifter2.htm cheers Geoff..
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