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Everything posted by skyfox1

  1. Hi Don have you taken out all the plugs and turned the motor over to see which plugs are firing or not that way you can track down which ignition is faulty. cheers Geoff
  2. Hi it sounds like you are only running on one ignition swap kill switch wires .
  3. Hi Bluey here is a link to rotax web site you can watch videos of the removal of 912 gear box http://www.rotax-owner.com/ Mine has done 1380 hrs still going strong all l have done are the ADs for my model renewed my carbys new Exhaust . cheers Geoff
  4. l will stick to my penrite yours is to confusing:compress:
  5. Hi Ian yes the site went down on me around 1o pm last night. cheers Geoff.
  6. Hi Suitman you can still buy penrite hi-per two stroke in 20l drums.
  7. Hi Bacon as far as l know l havent heard but if there is it is most likey for legal reasons not the oil its self . The reason they stop making the green slim {which was the best oil } some one try to sue them over it when it was used in an aircraft not sure of the details ,hi have had know problem using the penrite hi-per .. cheers Geoff..
  8. l use Penrite Hi-per two stroke semi synthetic low smoke this was the replacement for the green slim l buy it in 20l drums though my mates shop..
  9. It did fly but not good it weather cocked all over the place and change the ailerons when the wing move the aileron push rod would alter, he landed ok .
  10. Hi Tex only one wire broke the paddock was real rough the motor was moving a bit and the prop caught the wire.
  11. Hi Tex mine are quite tight l was supprised when Wayne Fisher told me how tight they should be . My mates were so loose the prop hit it and broke on take off it wasnt very nice to fly to get it back on the ground. l have move mine back to the front bolt on the elevator it gives a lot more clearance from the prop.
  12. Hi Tex it is only a dull twang
  13. Hi Justin dont twist any more than five times thats about max.
  14. They should be tight enough so there is no movement side to side with the wings there is no set tension in lbs that l know of but you should be able to flick it and make a dull twaning sound thats how it was explain to me by Wayne fisher over here as he is the drifter manufactor here. make sure you measure the distance so each wing is equal distance
  15. Hi Justin mine flys great with out any trim tabs, check the drag bracing cables from the wings to the rear of the boom to make sure they are right tension, also check to see if the wings are square to the boom. cheers Geoff
  16. Have you tried switching off the GPS and other electronics to isolate any problems that they may be causing. l had a similar problem and found my GPS was the problem .
  17. No l got mine today looks great, intresting reading
  18. No l got mine today looks great, intresting reading
  19. skyfox1

    Drifter Pics

    Hi Tex mine is 174 kgs stalls at 30 kts doesnt need any trim flys great so smooth ,l think your just a proud father. l will post some more pics l have changed my panel a bit put on wheel spats . and wash off the the cow s*it.
  20. skyfox1

    Drifter Pics

    Nice set up Tex l wish l had that extra power. What is your empty weight of the Drifter. cheers Geoff.
  21. Looks like you were doing some low flying and hit a possum Tomo.
  23. l have never flown a sapphire so l dont know the differences but a Drifter is a great aircraft to learn to fly in.
  24. Also big difference between the strut braced and cable braced
  25. Hi Winsor l have a Gin Bolero with a solo 210 motor l got the lot for $1200 a couple of years ago l had the fabric tested it past and 4 new lines its ready to go, l had to rebuild the engine mounting plate . l have had the chute out in the paddock got it in the air with out the motor thats as far as l have gone l must get some lessons to see if l like it or not ,l have the drifter and skyfox and with the chute also l have to make up my mind which one to keep so far l prefer the Drifter so easy to fly lots of fun . cheers Geoff.
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