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Everything posted by skyfox1

  1. Thanks Winsor l have one in my shed l must get it out and give it a go . cheers Geoff.
  2. Hi Few years ago l used the blue fuel line from Wade Air and it cracked in two months of use, now l use automotive injection fuel line on my 503 and have never had problem in three years. cheers Geoff..
  3. l think all you people are sick to much time on your hands get out get in the air and relax unwind to close to chrismas to start thinking now. THAT MEANS YOU PUD...
  4. Hi Tex l would remove it if it is not functioning properly ,you cant go wrong with premixed fuel ,you know it is getting the right mix . cheers Geoff..
  5. skyfox1

    Drifter Pics

    Hi Tex it is a shopping trolly assembly with a solid aluminium wheel 100mm dia. works great. cheers Geoff..
  6. skyfox1

    Drifter Pics

    Hi Tex this is my latest rebuild this one l am keeping
  7. The only difference in that pic is l got covered in cow shit on that landing when the photo was taken. What brake system have you got on yours l put the blackmax brake on they are excellent.
  8. Hi David thanks for the info l will contact him and get some made . l would join also if one starts up . Here is my Drifter this one is a keeper flys excellent.
  9. Hi David where did you get the drifter decal on the pod from or was it alread there. cheers Geoff.
  10. Hi again if your willing to travel there are plenty around l havent spent any more than seven thousand on one yet l got a fisher mk1 a couple of years ago for $2000 i gave it a full rebuild spent six on parts great machine .got one from Tassie payed $7000 spent $3500 its like brand new l have keeped this one flys to good to sell love it . When time comes ask questions there are heaps of drifter owns on here to give you good advice on buliding they are one of the most straight forward easy aircraft to rebuild . cheers Geoff.
  11. Hi Country Kid you should be able to pick one up for around six to eight thousand but will need full rebuild .which are great aircraft for that you can buy all the bits for Wayne Fisher they are basic rag and tube machine great for beginners try for Maxi Air wb we have six that fly together down here l have rebuilt three now my mate has four in his shed that are in progress for rebuilds l will see if any are for sale. cheers Geoff.
  12. Hi Bull is it a Mk1 or Mk2 the differance is the lenght of the boom ,the Mk2 is better as theMk1 was very pitch sensitive because of the full flying elevator so they lengthened the boom which solved the problem. l have built two Tyros l have had vw engine and 447 rotax and 503 rotax l settled with the 503 the 582 will be a bit heavy you will have set up centre of gravity and move the engine back towards the pod you might not have enough clearance it will be to close to the pod .l have some data on the Tyro if you need it. l have never seen a Tyro with a nose wheel . cheers Geoff. Ps do you have an side pics looking at your photo it dosent look like a genuine Tyro.
  13. Yes l have done all my research all of my ADs have been done my flys great and safe,l thought you had found an other problem that you had discovered that we weren"t aware of. l have a Drifter which l must admit l fly a lot more handles better than the fox in my situation .
  14. Hi Yes Please tell us more as l have a Drifter and a Skyfox CA22 is there something l dont know ?
  15. Thanks Ian keep politics off this site .
  16. Hi first you need to know the ratio of the boxes B type normaly has 2.58 to 1 if they are the same then either a ivo or a brolga prop should be interchangeable both have pitch adjustable l have done simailar to you having a 503 then changing to a 582 using the same prop l settled with the brolga it has pitch blocks maximan pitch 18 degrees down 12 degrees. cheers Geoff.
  17. Hi Tex l run two 2AH batteries from super cheap they are $26.00 each ,each one weighs 890 grms, l have mounted them under the fuel tank fits great ,l run miroair radio intercom plus landing light . this all runs on my 503 xp drifter. cheers Geoff
  18. Hi Pud the shimmy varys with weight on tail wheel the more weight the less shimmmy its like a shopping trolly if you push it fast empty normaly one wheel will shimmy if you do it after it has a load it is not as noticeable. l know this from watch the the wife shopping. cheers Geoff
  19. Hi Pud yes if it trails behind it seems to stop it cheers Geoff
  20. Then Again Alan l might use a Finger:thumb up:
  21. Hi Pud l had a similar problem with my Drifter fricton washer didnt seem to help ,the wheel was to close under the swivel point so l have moved the wheel back so it trails further back no shimmy at all now . cheers Geoff
  22. Hi Peter that sounds like a great system l will try it out thanks and thanks to all the others for there input cheers Geoff.
  23. Great to see video Pud all looks great next a good long flight . Cheers Geoff
  24. Hi all could l have some input in trying to stop wind noise in my intercom l have foam covers on the mics l have tried old plastic film covers over the mics, does any one have a tried and tested solution for this problem. cheers Geoff..
  25. Cant See what the problem is with a bit of tail missing he can put more cargo on.
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