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Everything posted by skyfox1

  1. I just get one of those green scouring pads and spray wd40 on it and scrub all the crap off then it leaves a coating on to repel moisture never had any surface rust on the cables, if I ever any rust on them I would replace them can't be sure how far it has penetrated the cables .
  2. Hi Ron I will check mine tomorrow get the measurements for you their are eight each side . Cheers Geoff
  3. I never trust the over flow bottle l always check the radiator for being full,you just don't know if it has pulled the water back in to the radiator to the safe level.
  4. You really need to make a better inspection point to access the radiator cap like M61A1 said over flow doesn't mean the radiator is full ,how do you access the oil tank does it have a seperate inspection point . Cheers Geoff
  5. Should be vented otherwise it won't return to the radiator it will create a vacuum and won't be drawn back as it cools
  6. My Drifter has it mounted horizontally but have seen mates Drifter with it mounted vertical had done 800 hrs with no problems .
  7. Couldn't fly on the day weather was terrible try next year.
  8. I would go with Mike suggestion sleeve it re drill it is it the flap actuator tube.
  9. That will make it easier to turn with hole like that don't think he used a drill press for that one ,
  10. I was told by a friend who spoke to the owner of the aircraft pilot was on his first solo cross country trip ,pilot bit short on final and at full flaps applying power to reach the thresh hold plane pitched up and stalled dropped a wing rolled over .
  11. Just saw the last pic now you can see the problem shouldn't be to hard to fix
  12. Just looking at the pic you might have to cut the welds off start again don't want bend the tube you haven't got much to play with looks like it's the left side needs fixing
  13. Where is it bent and how did it bend
  14. I have a 72 inch IVO prop with inflight adjustment just using 2 blades at the moment see how she flys then might put the third blade on see if their much difference trying to keep the weight down their quite heavy blades.
  15. Yes lot less heat in the engine compartment so electronics cooler radiator hose away from the heat all good
  16. Hi Lyndon I have wrapped all my Exhaust to keep the heat out of the engine compartment and to shield the radiator hoses
  17. Hi Kyle what dia tube did you use for your breathers .cheers Geoff
  18. I use pressure pack can spray grease on all my moving parts.
  19. Yes moves back and forth for the flaps
  20. No worries thanks
  21. Hi Derek what did your nose wheel weights come out as just want to compare . Cheers Geoff
  22. The engine is oiled up and water their is 8lts fuel in the header tank but no fuel in the wing tanks .
  23. Mine is 263kgs at the moment trying to do the CofG so l can put the battery in the right place ,l have 72 inch two blade IVO prop with inflight adjustable pitch .
  24. Hi Derek what did your 701 empty weight end up being . cheers Geoff.
  25. I always run the tip in the middle of the pipe centre of the gasses .
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