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Everything posted by skyfox1

  1. ops l must read my opps manual l fly both never new there was any difference did my training in drifter 2 stroke and fly a skyfox 4 stroke .l though l was allowed to fly both.
  2. David l get as much information as l can throught ebay by photos and phone calls l bid the amount l think that the aircraft is worth by that information ,after the sale when its time to go and pick it up if it is not what was discribed l will not go through with the sale no money changes hands until l see it its just another type of media to which to sell an item no differant than looking throught the classifieds. l only buy the type that l am familar with and know what to look for, so far l have got some great aircraft . my skyfox cost me $17000.00 l spent $3200 on it to get it back to flying condition now its got hours of flight time in front of it .
  3. Hi David l disagree l have purchased four aircraft on ebay and sold two myself the two aircraft l currently fly are from ebay l have rebuilt all of them if you are looking for one to rebuild its a good place to look . cheers Geoff
  4. l was dairy farmer twenty years then dozer and excavator operator now semi retired fighting cancer.
  5. l drop of all my mags to my kids school they go to the library and use them in the art room they will be the next generation of budding pilots.
  6. skyfox1

    Fisher MK1 info

    Hi Rumby if your looking for a drifter l know where one is for $10.000 its only done about 70 hrs since full rebuild. owner has lost intrest. cheers Geoff
  7. Enjoy you will love the maxair one of the best.
  8. Hi Ryan there should be a screw on the throttle body side of the carby to set idle ,if mine cable brakes my engine goes to full throttle it is a safety feature so you can still fly you would have to be quick to shut the engine down if it happened on rounding out.
  9. Hi Andrew here is the link for ebay http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Ultralight-Aircraft-/190546194881?pt=AU_Aircraft&hash=item2c5d7031c1 l taught myself to fly a scout in 80s and easyriser they where great fun in those days we didnt need a licence just read some instructions and away we go they where real ultralights getting them up was easy get down was not a few bent undercarriges .
  10. Hi if your looking for one there is one listed on ebay mk2 scout.
  11. Hi they turn with rudder you dont need ailerons to turn
  12. Hi we have used mini radiators with 582 they are working fine fitted to a maxair drifter not sure what aircraft you are fitting it on, go to the motor wreckers they cheap.
  13. She has talent Tomo. Thats is a great poem brings back memories when l taught myself to fly .
  14. Hi Check ebay there are some just listed
  15. Hi Again Mark my orbital sander is a makita model 04550 got it on ebay few years ago paid $30.00 the scotchbrites l use are the green ones and they are 130x90 the sander is 110 x100 they lock in well l have use it on five aircraft l have built and is still going strong. ps check ebay there are some on there at the moment.
  16. Hi Mark l use a small orbital sander the scotchbrites fit in it good ,then wash it all in prep wash then use wattle super etch primer have had great results.
  17. Hi Pud l use Penrite Hi per two stroke semi-synthetic oil now .l was using penrite greenslim until they stopped making it due to some legal problems . we had over 830hrs on that oil in a 503 with no problems, six of my freinds use the penrite hi per in air and water cooled rotaxes with good results. As far as fuchs oil goes the name says it all we used that brand of oil in the dozers and excavtors and had nothing but trouble.
  18. Sounds Good keep me informed when weathers good we should go for a flight up the coast with both foxes
  19. ALWAYS ASK, NEVER ASSUME !!! His request approved, the CNN News photographer quickly used a cell phone to call the local airport to charter a flight. He was told a twin-engine plane would be waiting for him at the airport. Arriving at the airfield, he spotted a plane warming up outside a hanger. He jumped in with his bag, slammed the door shut, and shouted, 'Let's go'. The pilot taxied out, swung the plane into the wind and took off. Once in the air, the photographer instructed the pilot, 'Fly over the valley and make low passes so I can take pictures of the fires on the hillsides.' 'Why?' asked the pilot. 'Because I'm a photographer for CNN' , he responded, 'and I need to get some close up shots.' The pilot was strangely silent for a moment, finally he stammered, 'So, what you're telling me, is . . . You're NOT my flight instructor?' "Life is short. Drink the good wine first" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Life isn't about how you survived the storm... it's about how you danced in the rain!
  20. Got mine today same fomat as RAA . Too many ads ,if l buy an aircraft out of the mags Classified do l get the whole aircraft or whats in the pics. Not the best and who came up with the name.
  21. Hi Pud how much of the engine is damaged it seems a bit much for a rebuild cheers Geoff..
  22. Sorry officer l will pull over up here and fix it so l wont disturb the tourist cant upset them.
  23. Hi l agree l got so bits from CPS last month took credit card details got the price of the items and no postage costs they said they dont no postage cost at this time anyway check my account two days later postage was $112.00 when parts came postage was only $78.00 on the parcel l have emailed them twice about the difference in price but no responce. As far as b flood l think l own the company now as well. Wade is still in business as l have just delt with him .
  24. Hi Pud it looks similar to the one l have just rebuilt it had a cold seizure.
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