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Everything posted by skyfox1

  1. Hi yes l am using 95 octane unleaded fresh fuel ,l will try idling down for longer period see how that goes . THANKS FOR EVERYONES INPUT.
  2. Hi Maj when l say tuned l bought new carbs for it had them balanced it is in a skyfox with standard Exhaust i am using DCPR7E plugs and plus are light grey, have left bowl vents the way it was when l got the aircraft. Engine preforms excellent its just on shut down. cheers Geoff
  3. Hi Nev yes l have the throttle fully closed l have even tryed shuting one ignition off at a time still back fires. cheers Geoff.
  4. Hi all you rotax 912 users could some please put me on the right track, my 912 ul is always back firing when shuting down ,l have tuned carbys, new plugs but still every time l shut the engine off ban off she goes.
  5. Hi l would put in long range tank so you hopefully never get in that situation.
  6. And you say your confused !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Hi Try H-aircraft spares in Mentone on 039585094 l use them for all my chromoly and aluminium.
  8. Hi Mike it was a pleasure, is there much of a difference if any between the ca21 and ca22. cheers Geoff
  9. Hi Mike l have a copy for my skyfox ca22 if you have trouble l could scan it and email it to you . cheers Geoff..
  10. Got mine today
  11. Thanks l will give Wayne fisher a ring he will of installed some over the years cheers Geoff..
  12. Hi has anybody installed a recovery chute on a XP wire braced Drifter. l have seen some on the king post do you have to beef up the post to take the extra weight. cheers Geoff..
  13. Hi Frank l get an average 12to14 Lhr depends on conditions or one up or two and not thrashing engine cruise about 4600 revs. My 503 has just been rebuilt with 0.20 over size piston & rings new crank and new carbs this engine had done 900 hrs. cheers Geoff.
  14. Skyfox1 Hi Stixy l use premium in my skyfox 912 and all so in my drifter 503 and seem to get better fuel economy you get a better burn from higher octain use less fuel so it dosnt real cost any extra in the end.
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