Could some shed some light on my rotax 503 scratched my head some much l going to go bald .
l rebuilt my 503 some months ago since then when the weather temp changes so does my engine set it up for static 6200 rpm on the ground cold day about 10 to 15 degree day full power in flight 6800 .when the weather is about 20+ degrees can only get 6000 rpms .carbys set and jetted for sea level as l am only 150 above sea level put new carbys change cdi coils, new plugs ,new fuel pump air cleaner even changed stator .nothing makes any difference .if l change the prop pitch to get to the 6800 full power on clod day it gets to 7200 which is not good .
put your thinking caps on hopefully give an answer please.
Cheers Geoff.