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Everything posted by skyfox1

  1. Hi I am chasing 2 Eboxes (CDI coils ) can be from 582 for rotax 503 does any body have any for sale new or second hand must be working order . cheers Geoff
  2. Thankyou very much guys the pics are great help . cheers Geoff
  3. Thanks Alan I have to keep back pressure to keep it flying straight and level so l am putting a elevator trim on going to design my own but some others must have them . cheers geoff
  4. Hi Drifter drivers does anyone have any proven designs for elevator trim need lever control designs and cable routing under the tail plane any pics would be appreciated cheers Geoff.
  5. l have a 503 in my Maxair drifter which has done 90 hrs since rebuild on certain days l lose 800 rpms ,one it will run fine all day next time it has full power 6800 at start up about 1/2hr flight it loses power back to 6000 rpm then other days that's all l can get out of it from start up ,put new plugs ,changed air cleaners check exhaust for cracks, both mags work ,clean fuel and filter ,even changed taco ,any body got any suggestions other than use it for boat anchor. cheers Geoff.
  6. Hi flyerme two of my mates bought two brand new 582 from floods last year and they paid $5200.00 less gear box and exhaust, didn't think they had gone up that much since then.
  7. Not worth that to rebuild for an xtra $1200 you can buy abrand new 582.
  8. Hi did you get a set of ailerons as my mate has an old set of standard drifter ones . cheers Geoff.
  9. Hi Seb mine had broken ribs when l replaced my skins so l used fiberglass over the top of them all worked well . cheers Geoff
  10. When l was doing training my instructor turn off the engine on about eight occasions then l had to do my emergence engine failure procedure ,it was great learning actual engine failure l had to land it every time should be taught to every student ,l think because you really know when the noise stops what to do ..
  11. Hi Nev at the start he put diving belt weights around the boom at the rear 5 kgs ,later on he removed them and flies' with out any now has no problems as far as l no he has plenty of authority over all controls surfaces.. Shafs64 the empty weight of my Drifter is 174 kgs. cheers Geoff.
  12. My maximum weight is 92 kgsup front in my Drifter but saying that my friend weighs 130kgs and he flies his with no problems at that weight . cheers Geoff.
  13. Thanks Nev didn't proof read before posting ..l am still here ...ha ha
  14. Yes l to taught myself to fly in 1985 l purchased an Easy riser and started the learning process crashed on the first flight repaired it and went up again and again never needed any licencing or rego then we weren't aloud to fly about 250ft and not over any sealed roads l was one of the lucky ones that did kill themselves in the process since then l had formal training because their was still heaps to learn so you definitely need proper instruction to fly safely . cheers Geoff..
  15. Hi Phil looks good hope you got it for a good price let it share the hanger for awhile but don't forget to finish you 701 .. mines coming along slowly few distractions at home at the moment but hope ready before Christmas . cheers Geoff.
  16. Hi Maj Mine had Vgs when l purchased it and the flaps were in use all the information on the Zenith web site that others have put Vgs on all still have flaps in use cant see any reason why they wouldn't be able to be used ,they prefer flaps on to get the stol effect ,l am putting the slats back on mine . cheers Geoff.
  17. Hi Phil As matter fact l did see three brown ones going past at a rate of knots l was waiting for their departure call heading north.
  18. Looks good Derek not far to go now . cheers Geoff
  19. Hi Phil l got the prop bolts from BJ bearings where l live they are just high tensile cap bolts . not sure on battery size depends on who much room you have and the weight because you can use it to change your Cof G when its time to balance the plane . cheers Geoff.
  20. And if the centre hole is to large put some fuel line on to take up the gap on the steering rods . cheers again Geoff
  21. Hi Derek l am using some Cv boots of a car l bought made a ring out of aluminium to suit put some tabs on in riveted to the fire wall and put clamps around them buy them from any auto shop cut the rings off the boots to suit the size your after. cheers Geoff.
  22. Hi Phil l am wait for the wind to stop so l can take it outside and rig the wings so l can make the jury struts .It was blowing that hard here l had a chook lay the same egg twice , what do you have on your ends of your control cables to attach to rudder and elevator and peddles l had some thin flat aluminium plates only 20thou the plans call for 40 thou l have bought some stainless shackles' rated at 1500 kgs wasn't happy with they had on it . cheers Geoff..
  23. Hi Phil l have nearly done all my control cables l will send you my swag tool so you can do yours next week . Cheers Geoff
  24. Hi Derekliston Yes l did contact light wing also l was going to get theirs but a set of savannah strut came along l had been talk some 701 owners in the US and they said the same as Hans did the round struts cause a heap of drag and effect the tail plane in slow flight l am also going to clean up the gap under the tail plane as it causes disturb air . cheers Geoff.
  25. Hi Marty l had to lengthen them that's why l have made the attachments longer for the extra length required . l wasn't keen in drilling holes in the tube to fit aero foil material because the are only 0.49 tube and it will weaken them . cheers Geoff ..
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