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I found the buzzer behind the upper side panel by the pilots head, held in by two screws. The buzzer had failed. It was easy enough to change out. Cheers. E
Hi I am trying to locate the Tecnam P92JS Stall warning buzzer location. Mine has stopped working and l would like to fault find. If I recall the sound comes from above. l am guessing it is somewhere buried near one of the wing roots in the cabin? The MM does not specify the location or the specific part. I figure it must be some kind of basic piezo electric buzzer 12v. Any pointers gratefully received. Ed
Thanks for the replies. I have been flying this aircraft for over 500 hours, and it has always been necessary to apply some right rudder pressure since I bought it eight years ago, I just never thought it out of the ordinary until another experienced pilot commented on it, so this is not a sudden thing, just one I took for granted. My aircraft is the certified version based in Thailand. The engine has not been replaced. We (mechanic & I) have been checking the steering springs, and nosewheel alignment, fairings etc, all Ok. Aileron hinges are ok, and the ailerons are level in flight. When the nosewheel is straight, so is the rudder, and the steering springs are both taught, so I am not sure this is the issue. We will next check the rigging and level alignment. I was just curious if this was a characteristic of this aircraft, or an issue just with mine. Cheers. E
Hi, I have owned a P92JS for almost eight years now, and either I am starting to get a senior moment, or the aircraft seems to need a lot more right rudder input than I recall in the early days. A new pilot has been flying the aircraft and keeps commenting about how unusual it is to need constant rudder input in all phases of flight, so I thought I would revisit the topic. As I fly it regularly, it may have insidiously crept up on me. We now have the rudder trim bent for right rudder almost 90 degrees which seems extreme, and with this set, feet off we are half a ball out to the right during 75% power cruise. Is this the general experience with other flyers of this aircraft? I more or less have to keep some right rudder pedal pressure on all the time, during all phases of flight. We will be checking the steering next to make sure the nose wheel is centered in flight as I had to replace one steering dampener spring last year. I also swapped out the TC a few years back, and it is possible the ball is not centered correctly. So will check this out as soon as I can get to a hanger and level the aircraft. Cheers - Ed
Dugong Survey Flights in Southern Thailand 2011, Tecnam P92JS
eloigorri replied to eloigorri's topic in Trips/Events/Seats
Illegal fishing goes on, mainly for the Chineese table, but thankfully no dynomite. They also get caught up in commercial fishing nets and subsequently drown. In some parts of the South, these animals are very highly treasured and loved, and actively protected by the locals themselves, hence why we see larger numbers at these sites year on year, compared to the dwindling population at most others. -
I have uploaded a recent volunteer Dugong survey flight I participate in every year using my Tecnam P92JS around the Southern Coastal waters of Thailand where I am based. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S-w4OkNGYTk&hd=1 A blog of last years mission is also at https://docs.google.com/fileview?id=0B0RWvtlJ2ylTZjQ5ZGFhYTUtMzQ0Zi00ZGQyLTk2YWYtMmYzYTg1NmJkOGI3&hl=en Enjoy! The Tecnam is an excellent platform for this type of mission and I love flying her with the doors off! Cheers -Eduardo
Thanks for the suggestion. I managed to locate a spare locally, and am in the process of repairing the cowling. The damage was originally caused by a local storm, which threw a brick at the cowling, so some fibreglass work is also requried before I can refit the camlock. Thanks for the feedback everyone. E
Thanks for the reply Bob, Do you happen to know what type of Camlock is used on he P92JS? Cheers - E
I have lost one of the camlocks on my P92JS which secures the lower engine cowling. There are normally two of these either side of the steering well. Does anyone know what type they are? I contacted Tecnam, but they want more then 10 times the cost of the part in shipping as they will only ship out via DHL, not regular post. I am sure this is a simple part obtainable from Aircraft Spruce or the like, but there are many to choose from, and the parts manual only gives Tecnam’s internal part number for it. Any suggestions appreciated. Cheers -E
Hi, I thought you might be interested in some recent survey flights I conducted on behalf of the Thai Marine Centre in Southern Thailand to conduct a census of local Dugong population. details at NOK Aviation news. The flights were conducted using my Tecnam P92JS with the doors off, flying accurate low level (300ft AGL) transect lines. Hard work, but very rewarding, and a nice thing for GA to get involved in. Cheers - Eduardo
Hello Fellow Tecnam owners, I thought you might be interested to see the panel from my P92JS. I recently added a TruTrak auto pilot to the panel. (Instrument next to the VSI) (Apologies for the poor quality of the photo, taken on my phone late at night). Other items of interest; on top of the auto pilot is a Strikefinder lightning detector, and on top of that is a JPI 450 fuel totaliser. Those three items were my additions, and apart from the PMA audio panel which I fitted to improve the intercom, all the other items on the panel are factory options selected by the previous owner. Of my additions, the one item I would not be without is the fuel totaliser. It is very accurate and lets you choose optimum throttle settings for long distance cruising. My flight profiles are solo long cross country legs around Thailand. The aircraft flies very balanced when trimmed, so the need for an AP is negligible in reality, however on those long legs it is nice to take a break when the call of nature takes over, or simply to refer to maps etc. My total hours in my Tecnam are around 400 hours so I know her very well, but I have only flown the aircraft since fitting the AP a few hours. It is a two axis version coupled to the GPS. The servo’s were installed under the pilots seat. So far the AP performance has been exceptional, following headings +/- 1o and maintaining level flight +/- 10 ft in mild turbulence. The lightning detector is also very accurate, although on the extreme 200Nm range it is picking up interference from the Ducati coils. The manufacturer has suggested solutions for it involving major rewiring, and considering that by the time I actually arrive at a storm 200Nm away, it will probably have dispersed! I am happy to be restricted to a 100Nm or less range instead which do not suffer from any interference. If anyone is interested in more detailed information of any of the instruments in my panel, feel free to contact me. Cheers -Eduardo
Hi Nigel, I use something very similar on my P92JS. It does extend the life of the bettery if the aircraft is not used for several months at a time. If the interval between flight is only 1-2 weeks, it is probably not worth it. Cheers - E
Many thanks for the reply. I have now fitted the unit and so far it has been ok, apart from some interferrence it is picking up from the engine on the 200Nm range scale which I am working on supressing. We are now in the good weather season here in Thailand, so will only really know how good it is later on in the year during the monsoon. E
Hi Forum, I have been flying during the monsoon season here and in Thailand, and the experiance has very much increased my respect for weather forecasts and how vulnerable we (especially small aircraft) pilots are to it. My home town is Phuket, where there was a very tragic accident here recently due to appaling weather. I fly a Tecnam P92JS and have decided to fit a lightning detector unit to it. If I had the space and weight allowance I would fit a weather radar, but that is not practical. My theory is that I should try and equip myself with as much early warning equipment as possible for weather avoidance. Even though I will not fly knowingly into bad weather, the localised nature and unpredictablilty of thuderstorms in this region has meant I have had some close encounters with unexpected weather which were not at all pleasant. My question to the forum is to find out if anyone else has a lightning detecor fitted and how they rate it. This particular model http://www.insightavionics.com/strikefinder.htm clains to give a 200 Nm range. Many thanks for any valuable insight. Ed
Hi Forum, I have been flying during the monsoon season here and in Thailand, and the experiance has very much increased my respect for weather forecasts and how vulnerable we (especially small aircraft) pilots are to it. My home town is Phuket, where there was a very tragic accident here recently due to appaling weather. I fly a Tecnam P92JS and have decided to fit a lightning detector unit to it. If I had the space and weight allowance I would fit a weather radar, but that is not practical. My theory is that I should try and equip myself with as much early warning equipment as possible for weather avoidance. Even though I will not fly knowingly into bad weather, the localised nature and unpredictablilty of thuderstorms in this region has meant I have had some close encounters with unexpected weather which were not at all pleasant. My question to the forum is to find out if anyone else has a lightning detecor fitted and how they rate it. This particular model http://www.insightavionics.com/strikefinder.htm clains to give a 200 Nm range. Many thanks for any valuable insight. Ed
Hi Forum, I thought you might me interested to read about by recent solo cross country in Thailand. I just passed my PPL last month here in Thailand, so this was a real adventure for me. enjoy! http://www.cmflyingclub.com/aspiring_aviator.html Ed
Its a Bendix KMA 24
Heavy Duty Starter fitted Just to let you know, I have now fitted the heavy duty starter and as suggested, it has made a big difference. It was a pig to fit, due to the limted space. Had to dismantle the airbox and release the carbs to get access to the bolts. While I was there I also replaced the carb flange rubbers which had been overtightened on my plane by the prev owner. I fitted the updated ones with the spacer to prevent overtightning. Miss Dippy is back together, and from my initial first starts, a much happier and healthier starter! Thanks for all the advice.
Hi I would just like to confirm the operation of my audio panel with fellow owners. I have a P92JS. In order to communicate with the passenger headset, the audio panel needs to be set to “INT†during which audio transmissions from COM1 can be heard as well simultaneously. The issue comes when I need to transmit to COM1, I must select COM1 on the audio panel whilst depressing the transmit button in order for the transmission to be broadcast. This is a regular pain, as I often forget to switch between INT and COM1, and it is also not how I have seen the same identical panel work on other aircraft. On these aircraft, selecting COM1 also allows the intercom to operate at the same time, and just switches the broadcast out to the radio when the transmit button is pressed. I’d appreciate knowing how others with Tecnam have their panels wired, and if mine is wrong how to correct it. Many thanks in advance ;-)
haha, yes, it is very hot here in Thailand right now, but I am well used to it. This pic was taken yesterday in Chiang Rai, near the Golden Triangle. I think I could have taxied right into the rear compartment of the C130!! Great fun. The crew from the C130 were very inquisative about "Miss Dippy" After what they are used to, they found it hard to believe we could fit in it.
Hi Well the good news is that I passed my PPL here in Thailand last week in my Tecnam. The examiner loved it, (attributable to the quality of flying of course!! Haha) I just love flying it, and have over 60 hrs in it now. 30 of them solo. One gripe I have is that during straight and level flight, I have to keep my feet balanced on the rudder pedals all the time or it appears the nose wheel starts to wander and acts like a wind vane causing yaw. I looked under the nosewheel and can see two retaining springs and chain which appear to be used to keep the nosewheel straight, however when the nosewheel is straight these springs are slack, allowing play in the wheel. Is this normal, or should these springs be under tension all the time? Many thanks for any advice for what is a small gripe for an otherwise dream machine.
Hi, many thanks for the quick reply. This confirms what I have been told here. Sadly GA in Thailand is not very developed, less than 100 private a/c regsitered here, so getting parts normally involves getting them shipped from the US, or you neck of the woods! I will go ahead and source the starter motor. I currently have one of the exhaust down pipes near the side of the existing starter motor with approx 25mm space between them. If the heavy duty starter is a lot wider, I may not be able to fit it. I have no obstacles behind the starter motor so length is not really an issue. If the heavy duty version is very close to the exhaust pipe, I did consider putting some heat shielding round it. What do you think?
Hi forum. I have just bought a used (250 hr) 2004 P92JS based in Northern Thailand. A fellow enthusiast at my club recommends I replace the standard starter motor with the heavy duty version after he saw it struggling to start one day (prop kick back etc). He is a qualified Rotax engineer and says that where possible on the 100hp Rotax he is involved with, he always does this if its physically possible as it saves the life of the "Sprag Clutch" and will help start the engine quicker. I have checked the way the standard starter has been mounted on my 92, and providing the replacement is not wider than by 25mm it looks like a pretty straightforward swap in/out job. Has anyone here done this, and if so with what result? Is the FIAMM battery good enough to work with this heavy duty starter motor? I understand that current models of the 912 ship with the bigger starter motor now. Many thanks for any advice.
Hi, my name is Ed. I have just bought a used Tecnam P92JS here in Chiang Mai, northern Thailand where I am studying for my PPL. I hope to qualify in the Tecnam itself, if the local aviation authority can find an examiner who is comfortable with a stick! My Tecnam is called Miss Dippy (she was originally HS-DPI), now re-reistered as HS-EAL after my initials, but the "Dippy" part has stuck. Flying here in Thailand is a joy. The scenery and weather are breathtaking. My instructor is a Canadian CFI (on a sabbatical here in Thailand) and a hard man to please - he says I am being spoilt and need to get some "real world weather" experiance, but he agress a lot of this is more than made up for my the mountain flying experiance I am getting. I am currently awaiting my theory exam results, after which I hope to go on and do my flight test. Fingers crossed I will soon be joining the ranks of the PPL community. Cheers - Ed