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Everything posted by rdarby

  1. I would start by contacting RA Aus or a local school. If you are building an aircraft you probably know if you need to deal with RaAus or CASA, depending on the type of aircraft. If you are moving from GA to RA you may need some training, minimum 5 hours I believe. I think the GA exams will apply to RA. The low inertia aircraft handle differently tomthat commercial one you were flying. Goodmluck.
  2. That line runs under your bum and ahead, not towards the spinner. Imagine a line through your legs and straight ahead through some point on the cowling, which is probably right in front of you. It's not through the spinner as that creates an optical illusion of being straight. If you look far enough ahead as Ultralights said, you will find that it is keeping you centred. The easiest way to to line the plane up on a line, or if you are on grass to point it at something that is straight ahead, like the corner of a hangar, then get in and see where you should look.
  3. The smiley face is at Caboolture, on the threshhold of 12. I think it's brilliant!
  4. That is good news! Every Saturday?
  5. I see your point CrayonBox. I just hope that someone has that coffee with him and that turns him around, even if he isn't going to be a major impact.
  6. I'm not sure what your point is, if you know what I mean. Yes I see that he has a lot of incorrect facts. But I also see a way to combat this - educate him, instead of going up against him. Taking him for coffee and explaining what type of planes are around and what they do is the way to do it. When he realises that Lear Jets don't fly near there anyway and no one dumps fuel, he will calm down. People only fear what they don't understand themselves.
  7. I saw it, it looks like a Texan (the war bird) but has a high pitched engine.
  8. I can hear something fast, quite a deep engine, nothing like a Lycomming or Continental we usually hear and definately not a Rotax! Reving quite fast, faster than a war bird, more like something that races. Does anyone know if something special is in the area? It's been about for two days now.
  9. I look up now and I appreciate what I see a lot more. There is a world of clouds up there, and mountains in the distance, that people just don't seem to be aware of. Once you are up there somehow you feel part of them even when on the ground. Keep looking!
  10. I saw Barry, looking good. I didn't see Lance.
  11. I was there too, about 15 planes. Had bacon, sausage, eggs, so it was full enough for me! Well worth it!
  12. I don't know if I would be brave enough for that! It should be able to handle it, but there are a bunch of other guys in the syndicate who want to know why I'm staying there with the barmaid and not coming back, and only sent them the left wing and one wheel that was left of the plane back!
  13. It's been five days straight so far. I fear I will grow mould soon. At least the lawn is looking good!
  14. The breakfast can have from 15 to 50 planes, and they charge $25 for the full English I believe. I will be there in a white Foxbat.
  15. No worries Biggles, I thought it was because I used an old thread from long ago :) I know what you mean about missing these things though, it seems like you have to be dissapaointd by not going for several years before you actually make it to a fly in, at least thats how it works for me! It's the time to do it all! And the cost :(
  16. In the short term I'm going to go to Stradbroke for the breakfast on the 16th March, I've never been, not for the breakfast that is. Then I am going to see about one of the others. Anyone going on the 16th? Old Station I want to, but I am not sure I can without accomodation.
  17. Nothing is missed Biggles, it is still coming up in a couple of month. Happens regularly.
  18. So who is going? What is the accomodation like, as in where do you sleep? Tents? Do they have them or do you bring your own?
  19. Good value but you have to wonder if they are making any money at all. Flying school's arn't rolling in cash. I would rather pay more knowing that they are making enough to be sustainable and do all the right maintenance etc. If we all just want cheap flying we will in fact end up with no flying as there will be no sustainable industry.
  20. Thanks, both good places and I have never been to either. I am going to try get a booking.
  21. I'm getting that feeling that I need to go to a fly in. Does anyone know of any near Brisbane/Caboolture that are coming up? I'm thinking of a day trip. There must be something going on, it seems like I haven't seen an advert for one in months! It must be time for some sort of festival of flight somewhere! Any ideas?
  22. If you come up the other way, North Stradbroke Island (Dunwich) has space to camp and toilet/shower facilities.
  23. I don't think the hourly costs have caught up, as GA is more expensive too. I was paying $215 duel and $165 solo. The GA school on the same field was $290 solo and $340 duel. It's not apples and apples as a 172 costs more than something with a Rotax engine.
  24. I had a 10 year break and it took me 60 hours to redo everything. Changing countries didn't help. But I find 3 weeks is the longest I can go without noticing a deterioration. But the longer I fly, the longer I can have a gap.
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