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Everything posted by rdarby

  1. The same newsagent also had Sport Pilot, first time they have had the RAA mag.
  2. Has an article on Recreational, and one on Natfly. I just bought it, I'll start reading on the train home, but it's nice to see a lot of coverage of RAA in a general magazine.
  3. Does anywhere serve breakfast on a Sunday? If so I'll visit!
  4. I'm looking for somewhere to go about an hour from Brisbane, anything on that you know of?
  5. What controls the idle rev's on a Rotax? If I wind the throttle all the way back I would expect to get to idle, say 1800 rev's, not have it cut out. But this weekend the throttle was broken and I was able to wind it till the engine died. Isn't there something else that controls the idle, regardless of the throttle? And the throttle is then idle upwards rev's? The good news is that it died while I was rounding out to land, so it didn't matter, but it could have happened earlier! Ryan
  6. Well I don't have anything to add, but it does have a psychological affect. I am still torn between buying a fancier 4 stroke or going cheap with an X-Air. I find I was going between them and learning as I went, but now I have this bad feeling about 2 strokes, mainly as I now believe, based on the article, that although I can get the X-Air for $15,000, I am going to need to spend that again to replace the engine in a year or two, so I might as well just spend $40,000 (or less) on a 912 powered plane. So psychologically it helps kill the two stroke. Ryan
  7. And a good things too Ian, I got paid today! Is there a link on this site now that has more info on them?
  8. Just had an idea - what about an electronic logbook on them?
  9. So who owns the natfly.com.au name? RAA? How can someone else own the name?
  10. I got both RAA's new Sport Pilot and Plane and Pilot in the post today. Not opened them yet, saving them for an after dinner treat, but I much prefer the cover on the new Sport Pilot.
  11. I'm about to book my international tickets this weekend, and was wondering if anyone knew what I should expect. How big is it, do I need to spend more than a day or two at the airshow? That is one of several reasons for the trip, but I'm not sure if it's like Avalon where two days was more than enough or if I need to stay for a week! Ryan
  12. Dual instruction in a SportStar $215 an hour. Private hire $155 an hour.
  13. Anything going on, I'm keen to get social!
  14. The new maps valid from 2 June have the boundary on it, reports that they missed the printing date don't seem correct.
  15. Will it run Excel? The Excel app I got on the iPhone can't handle this.
  16. And I've just seen now that you had it in the laughter forum....
  17. It's a good story, but sadly (or thanksfully) a hoax: http://www.hoax-slayer.com/lawyer-cigar-arson.shtml
  18. How do we order these anyway?
  19. So please be aware. I'm going to dual listen on the old one too.
  20. I've never had a real GPS, or used flight planning software, so this may be a basic sort of question. I recently got told about AirNav VFR which allows you to plan then print maps, and then it can load that into a GPS. I don't yet know how that works, but the question is, would a 7" Recreational Flying GPS work with this? Ryan
  21. There are two RAA schools at Redcliffe, and GA schools at Caboolture and Calboundra I believe, so better watch out for the bugs!
  22. No problem in the first 5 fights, but I did find my ability to fly circuits determiorated as my focus was on cross country training so I would do 4 landings a month instead of 40. Since then I have found my cross wind ability needs work, so I am hiring for an hour of just circuits. I have found that my theoretical knowledge is getting rusty and it's only been 6 months! I have started to paging through the BAK occasionaly. Ryan
  23. The CTAF is changing on 2 June according to a CASA talk at the areoclub a week or so ago.
  24. I've just spent the morning going through the EAA magazine and I thought it professional, relevant, and to have good content. It's long as there are adverts, but they serve a purpose, and don't seem to come at the cost of content. Our RAA magazine seems to be amateurish by comparison. And the fact it isn't turning up one month isn't really acceptable, as we do pay for it. However we may have a very small membership by comparison to the Americans. To be fair though, content is also up to us. We can contribute to the magazine, and if we don't contribute we can't really complain too much, as where else is the content coming from? But I really hope the next one has an applogy and something special about it to make up for it being missing. If someone doesn't deliver your daily subscribed newspaper you would probably complain more than people are about our magazine. Ryan.
  25. Might hear you on the radio, I'm at Redcliffe doing some practice at circuits. Good luck with it. Ryan
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