Is anyone trying hard to make money out of RA?
I read in the current Australian Flying that the new Piper LSA was at the Watts Bridge Festival of Flight. In fact they had two of them there. I was interested in buying one, actually had the process of getting the money started, but had never seen anything but a small advert for them. So there are two there, but no stand, no banners, no effort to attract someone with $150,000 in their pocket. There were other vendors there too, also minimal effort to attract people. And that was at a special event with a ready made audience.
So now I've decided to hold off and probably buy the plane my flight school is selling, or just keep hiring.
The point is that unless someone overcomes any obstacles they have such as fear and really goes to the trouble of contacting a school, nothing will draw them in. We should be encouraging, not waiting for them to come to us. I've at least got my friends into it and promised them flights when I have the passenger endorsement, hoping to get someone to progress with it.