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Everything posted by rdarby

  1. Scroll down on the Facebook page and you will a pamphlet, which has co-ords. https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/12140778_405922822939444_1901265151613301629_n.jpg?oh=8c847bef7b90033777133c5fb655f3e6&oe=56ED925F
  2. Turned out really well. A multitude of aircraft and cars and military vehicles. Gary Clark the comic behind Ding Duck is there. I bought the full set and he drew a picture for me. Clouds were high all morning so we left at lunchtime with no issues.
  3. Well the poster about the event looks good, the Foxbat is ready, but the weather is looking iffy. Today is sunny with high clouds but not so sure about Saturday. I hope the rain is delayed and we make it. If you see a white Foxbat come say hello!
  4. Anyone going? I'm going from YCAB on the Saturday morning. See you there! Ryan
  5. I've looked but besides trees can't find anything. Is there a decent ladies toilet at YCAB and if so where? Gets a bit bad needing to tell female friends to stop at the service centre on the way there!
  6. Fly neighbourly generally refers to not flying over someone's house, which we absolutely want to avoid at YCAB. You are referring to a navigation rule that kicks in at 5000ft. However below 5000ft you will find it probably isn't really used. It is busy airspace around there, so assume nothing as there is no rule outside of the circuit that says anyone has to be at any altitude.
  7. Anyone else going?
  8. I see there is a car show and fly in at Toowoomba City Airport on the 3rd May. Does anyone know if that is really a security controlled airport needing an ASIC as the ERSA says? Bit hard to host anything there if it is?
  9. I flew it a lot when it was at YRED, feels like a part of me died. It got run into a ditch then and had a new wing and nosewheel. Hard life being a training airplane.
  10. So is this actually available anywhere? Specifically QLD?
  11. Regarding that old chestnut that flying is safer than driving - you can't look at it by number of casualties alone. You have to look at the number of hours spent in a plane versus the number of hours in a car, and work the casualties out over that. It is about the probability based on the usage of the airplane versus the usage of the car. For the amount of time people spend in a plane, the figure would be a lot higher. For our little aircraft I suspect it is a lot safer to drive. But I don't have figures, someone could work it out though.
  12. Phil refers to a 450kg limit, whereas herein Australia they are all on a 600kg as far as I know. That may explain the comment about useful load.
  13. And a Merry Christmas to you too!
  14. Keith can't let it out because he wants all the little boys and girls to keep believing. But he wants to tell us that RAA is making sure that the fat man has his flying implement in order, and since he is THE jolly man you can't go all CASA on his arse, lest you get coal in your carb come the day of quiet airfields. I am going to write him a letter and ask for this thread to last another 8 sleeps.
  15. South African built Sling. I got them confused at Oshkosh this year and the Sting rep was upset and rude about it. The Sling guys were great! I hope it is fixed soon and the student wasn't put off. Ryan
  16. I have a first version Microsoft Surface (RT version so not full Windows), and I seldom use it as I need a laptop for what I run for work. Does anyone know if any navigation software is available for it? Everything has to be downloaded from The Store. Cheers Ryan
  17. $16 a tonne, min charge $60. Parking min $30 a day. All ex GST.
  18. Got through, she is emailing me yhe costs, and said they *should* have been on the website.
  19. The number TP put up is not the airport. He found that on their informationless website. The airport is 07-4614 3200.
  20. I called the number on their site and it goes to some company, who gave me another number, being that of their only landline. Which went to an answering machine.
  21. FT, if this is their website it has as much information as your answer: http://www.wellcamp.com.au/airport/overview I have gone through every page and there is nothing on a landing fee that I can find.
  22. Does anyone have a link to a site with actual info such as landing fees? The ERSA entry is not promising (want lots of ASICS over there!) for me doing a circuit there in my Foxbat, but nothing seems to say I can't, except people have mentioned it will be expensive and I have checked their website but can't find any actual info.
  23. Looks like it has opened. First grassroots new airport in 47 years for Australia! I am not near an ERSA, does anyone know what the airspace is there, can we fly an RAAus plane into it? 2.7km long runway! Cheers Ryan
  24. I'm there now. The above is true, except for when the sun comes out it blinds you and you walk into a canal.
  25. They said phone Neil the Assistant Ops Manager. I have left him a message.
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