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Everything posted by rdarby

  1. It wasn't in the Prof Avious column. Why do people bag him without even checking? You end up as bad as you say he is. I'm going to phone RAAus this afternoon and see if they know more than we do.
  2. In the latest Sport Pilot is an article from Ops about low level flight. The examples are used where someone was just above 500' over unpopulated land. Then it was implied that they needed a low level endorsement. I remember my BAK including no flying below 1000' over populated areas, and no flying under 500' over unpopulated areas. So am I wrong or is the article wrong? This would mean no 500' down the beach for example:scratching head:
  3. And the scans don't show anything like that detail. You are just a white outline. I have been through these a lot in the USA and they are nothing to worry about, it looks like the detail is turned right down.
  4. The prototype is with a guy in the US who I think was the original designer. Yuneec is about exploring batteries it seems, this is not an airplane company. They have never returned my emails and listening between the lines to the people at Oshkosh, there has been nothing done since last year. Pity as at $39,000 I was in the market just for the cool factor.
  5. In the last few years there have been prototypes like the Yuneec. Lots of noise, then I go to Oshkosh this year and Yuneec has a cheap stall selling electric skateboards and one guy admits they don't know if the plane is going ahead . The trend seems to be noise then run out of steam! So I am not hopeful as I am not sure we are advancing or if everyone just reinvents a similar prototype, finds it hard, then stops. There was no electric theme at Oshkosh except two guys with home built ones, hidden away in the ultralight area.
  6. We have them at TCAB. The only problem I have is when they stand next to the runway and snigger when I land. I swear they are judging me. But they generally stay off the runway but sometimes are sitting under the wings of planes to stay out of the sun. Sorry I can't help with an actual product. Can you fence it?
  7. I cruise at 85kts at 5000rpm and burn 16 to 18 LPH. It takes a lot more fuel to go only slightly faster. I plan at 20 LPH. This is not a fast aircraft I'm afraid. I would think that you may use slightly less 98 than 95 but I bet that individual flying skill would be a bigger factor than the fuel used.
  8. Watch out for the first seat if it has a bulkhead in front of it. That is restricted legroom. This is usually in the middle column of seats.
  9. Look at seatguru or ask the question on AutralianFrequentFlyer.Com or the equivalent of that where you are.
  10. For me the problem is that there was suddenly a barrier when I tried to log on. This makes me think it is too hard and I will go elsewhere. The site should not deter people.
  11. Spill your cup of coffee on it, crackle, zap, and you better hope there is some real glass to look out of!
  12. Enjoy the 30deg! I am in Brisbane and had to scrape ice off my windshield this morning! First time I have ever had to do that. It would be a perfect day for flying here though!
  13. exited stage left, whereupon the crowd immediately took the opportunity to...
  14. Flew from Caboolture to Caloundra yesterday. Not exactly cross country but I took someone up who wants to start flying, and we met up with her friend and went to the open cockpit day at the museum. Well worth it. We waited in line for 2 hours to sit in the F111! Satin a Mig15 (Polish version) and in the DC3, which has better seats and more legroom than a current 737! This day would probably make a good flyin day, there is a lot going on there. From the air I have never seen the museum, probably too focussed on the centre line of the runway! It was a windy day but one where it behaves by blowing straight down the runway. It was my first take off and landing on 24 at Caboolture after being there for years! Ryan
  15. All that food. Is any of it for sale?
  16. I've booked a house about a mile away and sharing with some friends. I phoned the hilton and they were dumbfounded I would even ask. I arrive after a drive up from Chicago on the 27th and drive back the next Sunday. Happy to say hello to anyone there!
  17. Got a flight in the Ford Tri-Motor booked, and will line up for the Bell helicopter, can't quite afford the B17!
  18. So who is starting to pack and get ready? I am counting the days! Arriving on the Sunday, got everything but car hire sorted out.
  19. Hmmm.....pondering.... I would still look at cost. And LSA is built cheaper, and even with the cost of a certified person working on it, a GA registered Rotax is probably going to be cheaper to fix than that Conitental or whatever in a Cessna. I get your point, and I would be torn between a used Piper and a used LSA. I think the Piper would last longer and have more resale, but the LSA would be cheaper to maintain. But would there be more competition in the used LSA market? Less so if the GA pilots aren't forced over to RAA now.
  20. Never seen him but I think three posts on this are enough, don't you?
  21. I should get there about 9am in a white Foxbat, from Caboolture. If the weather does other than the forecast that is!
  22. Matt Hall qualified third. He flies in this unique relaxed Aussie way. Flying is good but watching the planes land once I found the runway is even better. Really hot here, those guys must suffer in the cockpit.
  23. Anyone else here? Matt Hall has come out top of training. Great for Australia. I saw Kirby Chambliss is the lobby looking tired and stressed. Great for Australia. I am in the Shangri La if anyone wants to catch up for a drink. Cheers Ryan
  24. You will eventually have to pay it back. And to get there you may end up paying for a whole more aviation knowledge than you originally wanted. Unless you are really keen, or want to enter aviation professionally, would it not be overkill and actually cost a lot more when you do pay it back?
  25. http://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/retired-swiss-pilot-heinz-peier-arrested-in-indonesia/story-fnizu68q-1226886805818 Not sure how you miss controlled airspace to such an extent they scramble the interceptors. I suspect there is more to this, but it makes one wonder.
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