Theres a few drifters around mate. Theres two at bindoon (my Austflight WB503 and another blokes Maxair WB582) and another Austflight (I think) WB503 at Calingiri. Both owned by good mates and fellow drifter nuts. I dont fly mine as much as I used to. Try juggling work away, shooting anf flying :( Not easy.
Personally mate, I'd look at buying one that needs a lil work but is airworthy so you can start flying. The cost involved with rebuilding aircraft can be costly and if you do buy a drifter for around 5k, you will probs spend 10k at least rebuilding, engine cost, skins, airframe, etc. That and it will take you along time too mate. My Skydart III has been in my shed for around 7 years and havent done much too it due to having other stuff to fly and alike. Come to bindoon and have a look around as theres a bunch of knowledge and help and I'll take you to calingiri for a look see as those guys have a bunch of really interesting aircraft and I love just going over there and having a catch up with those guys. Also, Id get your licence first too. So that you can keep current and flying too.
Also, an advantage of buying in flying condition is that you could get a certified 25 series like my one as it will hold its value better if you ever do sell it. I was told by the previous owner that mine was Wayne Fishers training machine and the other drifter guys at my club did his initial flying training in my plane many moons ago.
Btw, I never commendeered the plane, I am paying it off same with my hanger :)