Many thanks for flying the Nynja up to Dubbo Mike and great meeting you.
It's been a ongoing saga with getting the Skyranger to her new home with weather, work and other factors kicking in but we got there in the end and Mike seems to be a relaxed kinda guy so all good☺
A mate John flew me down from Lismore to Dubbo taking 3hrs in his Piper pacer with a slight tail wind and a smooth flight.
After losing the Blue budgie (Savannah S) to Lismore flood waters (Northern Nsw) and the bottom end of Qld late feb which was devastating on a huge scale.
I've attached some photos of what I saw the first day I was able to get into the hanger and spent the day walking around bewildered and in shock.
I plan on rebuilding the Savannah, which virtually had very little damage surprisingly, except for the leading wing edge. I'm going to de-laminate the whole leading edge so i can clean out the mud properly and put new skins on. I have all new gauges, wiring harness etc but I reckon it will take me a few yrs to do get her flying again.
At 1 stage I thought of giving up flying but maybe that was just a stage I was going through with what happen to our hometown and feeling a bit low.
I then realize if I don't get back in2 flying soon I may lose that confidence and not fly again, so then I started seaching planes for sale and when I saw the Nynja I knew that would suit me down to a T.
I thoroughly enjoyed flying it back home, 3.5hrs from Dubbo to Lismore and about 100kt cruise so quicker than the Budgie but they are similar to fly in some area's but different in others, I know I'll have lot of fun with the Nynja and going to change a few things on it to suit me as well as the 600kg upgrade kit.
Again many thanks for being patient with me Mike and look forward to shaking your hand again.
Cheers Guy.
PS. Photo's of the Skyranger Nynja to come 😀