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Guy s

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Everything posted by Guy s

  1. Thanks for the reply Mark, Was talking to Reg only a few days ago and he mention he had the Spirit there partly built. At this stage still swinging towards the Savannah but would love to see a finish Spirit, Vision with the room plus 400kg is temping. I will procrastinate some more, I'm good at that. On saying that will probably at some stage pay Reg a visit to look at this Spirit. Guy
  2. I've just had a look at the World aircraft site and on a quick look at the diffences between the Spirit and vison. They seem to be the same plane pretty much? I'm also looking at a Savannah kit but am open to other options and the Vision, spirit would be another option, is there any flying in this country? Cheers Guy.
  3. Sounds Awesome Jmb and a beautiful looking setup and a beautiful looking plane. Well done.
  4. The motorbike of the sky, looks awesome.
  5. Lucky he wasn't legless
  6. The Weslake is a neat looking unit and have always been a fan of diesels and will be interesting to see how it goes in the aviation world. A lightweight diesel would have been unheard of years ago and reckon the fuel economy would be exceptional me thinks.
  7. Congratulations Dennis and welcome.
  8. Well done in taking Aviation to the up and coming guys. Our little archery club has been dwindling in numbers for many years now and we just put it down to the computer age. But at our last AGM there was a big and much needed shakeup and change in positions and getting some new idea's and enthusiasm back in the arena. We have advertise trial days and set aside time to coach beginners and now membership is rising and the club is going gangbusters. It shows what can be done, but at the end of the day it takes dedicated people prepared to put their valuable time in, in this fast pace world.
  9. A pretty sad affair in the aid of trying to do something good for his Dad although it doesn't say what the charity was.
  10. I remember when Norton in England started back up with their twin rotary bike, even had the chance to visit their factory and have ridden their bikes, powerful, fuel efficient and also having success in the racing scene. They were also using them for drones application in the military I believe. These motors were lightweight and powerful and pity they didn't survive as reckon they could have been well suited to our pastime.
  11. Interesting concept and after doing a little research there sounds like some interesting motors are to come out in the near future hopefully, giving those who will be in the market for a motor a variety of choices.
  12. I've been play with the idea of getting the Savannah kit and have just recently been up visiting Reg-Aerokits and Reg taking me for a fly in his Savannah. Also caught up with Rankamateur and Steve being kind enough in showing me his progress at work, the Savannah S and some of the in's and outs with the project. I am been a little worry about this project being too big and beyond me as I have never attemped something like this before and will sleep on it some more but have enjoyed following this build and admittedly it dose get me quite excited and the satisfaction of seeing your pride&joy taking shape I can only imagine at this stage. Cheers Guy.
  13. I have also stay at Bluey's motel and they pick us up from the strip and also gave us a guided tour of the area. The thermals pools are a must for a relaxing soak and we all seem to agree an interesting place and easy to spend a few days. there.
  14. Sorry my bad, I got the 600,610 mix up, the above post I was referring to the 610.
  15. I know a chap that brought a Brumby 600 and had a lot of quality issues which he had to sort out himself and at the end of the day he was pretty disappointed with the promise of delivery time and the time it actually took. Maybe it was just a case of a new developing model and they were still sorting things out and hopefully they have got their act together as they do look like a nice plane.
  16. Hi, I live over near the coast in Lismore and fly Jabs 170-230 which I hire. One day would like to but my own plane and do like the look of the Savannah s and wondering if I'm over that way could I drop in for a look. Being a beekeeper I sometimes get over that way. I did put bees on Pip bells place one year and know George Latham at Graves end. Cheers Guy.
  17. Hi, I live over near the coast in Lismore and fly Jabs 170-230 which I hire. One day would like to but my own plane and do like the look of the Savannah s and wondering if I'm over that way could I drop in for a look. Being a beekeeper I sometimes get over that way. I did put bees on Pip bells place one year and know George Latham at Graves end. Cheers Guy.
  18. Awesome, stuff like this spurs other to go and do the same Love thi pics, thanks for sharing...
  19. Had a great day and chatted to heaps of people and fantastic flying displays
  20. I'll be there, more likely drive than fly as just down the rd
  21. They are a beautiful looking aircraft, if anyone comes down Lismore way would luv to swap a flight in foxbat for a 170 or 230 jabiru
  22. Thought some might find it interesting. I thought it was a little weird if not entertaining, but i guess just need to keep an open mind and be interested in things happening in todays world.
  23. Hi Koreelah, Will keep an eye out for it . There's another show you and others might find interesting on youtube, call thrive full movie goes for 2hrs12mins wet weather job. Cheers guy...
  24. Guy s


    Hi Bryan, I fly out of lismore and come over to casino a bit when there's a westly blowin to practice circuits. Cheers and welcome, Guy.
  25. Hi louis, As far as gear goes, I done a bit of overnight backpacking , so have a lightweight tent,sleeping bag,thin foam mat. Total weight of these about 2.5kilo's. Spare set of clothes etc. I am able to keep my traveling pack quite light in case no pubs or motels, being able to sleep under the wing. Not sure if there's a section on here ,gear to take while traveling. Others people setups of what they take and maybe a photo of it layed out and total weight. Maybe someone else knows.
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