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Guy s

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Everything posted by Guy s

  1. Great idea Ian, Will be heading off on a trip this winter, so will help with the reseach. I love reading this tread and places of interests and yet to explore. Cheers Guy.
  2. x2 what Pud said, a great read and puting time and effort in for Angel Flight...
  3. Yea lol
  4. Looks like he's gone missing again... Hi Nick, I also fly a 230 & 170 out of lismore, do you fly out of tyagarah? Cheers Guy...
  5. Apparently unleaded fuel goes stale after 6weeks, and i know that my kawasaki ag bike will not run when the fuel has gone stale and having too drain the tank and fuel lines and replace with fresh fuel and change spark plug, but the same fuel will still run the whipper snipper and mower. The local kawasaki dealer said just run avgas as it has a longer life expectency.
  6. Hi Ross, I live on the north coast nsw and the rain can get a bit tiring. Going to head down your way one day and have a look at these Bumbys. Cheers Guy
  7. Tried that, it dosn't work
  8. Thanks for putting up the awesome pics John, Clicking through the photo's was like going on the trip myself. Thanks again,
  9. I have done most of my flying in the 170 and find it a pleasure to fly, the only down side that comes to mind is it could do with an extra 20hp
  10. mmm might have to get a blow up doll for company, not sure if she be able to pay her way and her flying abilities though
  11. Hi there, I live near lismore and have been flying for about three years now. I fly 170 and 230 jabiru's which i hire from lismore aero club.So looking for someone to share in flying and the cost of the hire in some out back trips etc. I'm 45 yrs old and my work is beekeeping, with spring summer always the busiest time of the year for me, but late autumn winter where every thing comes to a standstill with the bees enableing me to catch up on maintanence and holidays etc. My wife is not interested in flying and saids the royal couple don't fly 2gether, but we drive 2gether yea you figure lol. Last winter i did a trip out to Lake eyre with another pilot and had a ball, taking the 230. We took turns in flying from town to town. One flying and one navigating, so wondering if someone would be interested that live in the northern rivers, tablelands area? Cheers Guy. (02)66224371 or 0407901556
  12. Hi there, Am chasing up an old friend, who live near tamworth, just can't remember where about, north west of tamworth i think His name was geoff and just can't remember his last name, but he had an lawnmowing run and use to fly drifters on his dad's place. He probably be in his 40's. Met Geoff when i use to go down to tamworth for radio control planes contest, about 23 yrs ago.
  13. Yes i know, i meet them all the time, and often wonder how they get by in life. The mind boggles
  14. Thanks Pud, and interesting read, pity about all the catalinas being destroy.
  15. Just saw this thread and it brought back memorys, flew out there with a mate in july, and yes what a unique place. I keep telling my wife how awesome the place was, and now she thinking of doing a first crosscountry trip with me, too see for herself. As she has always said the royal family don't fly 2gether. But we drive together? Good stuff Rob. Got me thinking again, now all i need is a couple of sunny days, could be the problem lol. cheers
  16. Hi Rach, Well as you probably know not good flying weather, bloody wet up here, about too go for a drive to see if lismore is flooding yet. If you need to know anything ph.02-66224371
  17. I like it
  18. It will be sad not to see him pottering around his hanger and chatting with him as he had a vast knowledge on flying and was always happy to share his knowledge. Having taught me to fly a few years ago, very sad Condolences to Neville's family.
  19. Hi Rach, The weather has been pretty grim up here, like 2-3 days of wet to one day fine. forcast for xmas period wet wet wet. Cheers Guy
  20. Hi Nick, I just thought i say hi as its seems we are neighbors and both fly 230s. You seem to be doing an interesting trip. Cheers guy
  21. Wow love the sound also, and the enginuity to go with it :)
  22. Good chance i will be flying down to kempsey in a couple of weeks, with the eldest son going down there for a boxing match, with the boxers going down on a bus, and i thought hey why drive. But i reckon the weather will be a killer. Spend a lot of good times at scotts head Anyway welcome Jimmytwo. Cheers
  23. Thanks John, I'll have a look Cheers.
  24. i_dunnoWhen i did my navs, a few years ago i had eight cancellations, booking in once a week, eights weeks very frustrating. And its not just sydney getting the rain, but at the end of the day we need the rain
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