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Guy s

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Everything posted by Guy s

  1. Hi everyone and just a heads up, due to my mate's wife who had her holidays cancel due to the Covid-19 and with the Victoria lockdown our trip has been cancel sadly and hopefully another time. July was the month we planned for. We're hoping to do just a shorter trip to Mudgee or maybe Lightning Ridge again just stretch the legs a little I was looking forward to meeting some like minded people along the way in our flying travels but not to be just yet. And thank you for those that help with good suggestions. Cheers Guy.
  2. Will do Neil and thanks for the info Kareelah and notice on google earth the rugged area north of Rylstone. We're planning on flying to Rylstone from Mudgee which shows a Valley of sorts with farmland which looks more friendly than coming from direct north to Rylstone. Also notice Cameras at Gulgong and Rylstone which hopefully gives us the heads up on the fog situation etc.
  3. Well the trip might b back on as the laws become more relax and If not I'll call it a protest flight ? I've change the route slightly from my previous plan slightly to skirt around the mountainous area's in Victoria. I also have 2 options on flying back home, 1 flying up to Broken hill and following the Darling river system back to Bourke then onto home or a more coastal route. We'll probably decided which way to fly back home when we're ready 2 head back over a beer or 2. I realize the SA boarders may not b open so we'll not land if that's the case or cut that part out and shorten the flight
  4. Could you answer this question. Why is it that hospitals in Italy Spain and now the UK having trouble coping and are you convinced that this definitely wont wont happen here? Countries the size of Tasmania with population 50-60 million people in a small area and the higher age bracket probably doesn't help in trying to contain and control the virus.
  5. I agree it's not looking good at this stage but I'll live in hope it all comes together and the panic subside by then and we go a litttle normal like again. I'll keep planning the trip as there's always next yr.
  6. Our common interested that brings us together on this awesome site and we do tend to take things for granted, the thought of losing that comraderie is a bloody sad thought. It's a bugger your doing it tough Ian and I thank you for this great site but understand if u need to shut it down. I'm also happy to make a donation like Mark kyle said, and agree facebook doesn't have that interaction that this site has. This site was such a big help to me when i built my Savannah with information of pasted builders being able to help me out when I hit a brickwall and being able to do the same, also getting to meet some great people in person thru this site.
  7. Hi Michel and yes the airspace looks a bit busy around Melbourne and further north along the coast so I was thinking of a more inland route to get away from the controlled airspace. But on saying that nothing set in concrete at this stage and open to ideas and being flexible. Thanks for the insight Blur and yep i don't fancy winter swimming down in the southern parts of Oz. Hi Skydog and take it Peterborough is a tarmac strip ? I'll check it out on google earth and the Ersa. Hopefully sat will coincide with out trip and be able to say hi to u and others. Cheers Guy.
  8. Hi Drew, yes I've often thought about writing a article on my past trips and the in's and outs of it all, but the downside is I'm not very good at writing and not to mention there's no Sport pilot mag anymore and I don't even think there's a digital version. Hopefully the Magazine gets up and running again as I miss reading it front to back very much so.
  9. Thanks for the insight Geoff and definitely helpful and hopefully we'll meet some of u guys in our travels.
  10. Thanks Nev and I've added Mudgee and Goolwa to my list. Most places listed basically were to just join the dots for a track to head south etc and we will b either overflying a lot of those places but if we need a weebreak or stretch the legs,, we have that option and we'll mainly will be staying at places that have something of interest about it if that's the right wording. Cheers G. Thanks again Bruce and I'll also be adding these places to my itinerary which is what i was looking for as I'm not familiar with the bottom part of Oz. Also point taken on pushing ahead and if the weather not cooperating then so be it, we'll wait it out. 6 of us discussing the weather and i like to think there'll b aleast 4 sensibles amongst us for a unanimous decision We were going to fly out to Diranbandi for the night last weekend to look at the flood waters out there but cancel it due to iffy local weather forcast and a good move. Getting over the Great divide has stop us plenty of times and the joys of living east of the Divide. Cheers G.
  11. Sounds good Neil and I can let u know when we land at Lethbridge and there'll be another Savannah as well as mine on this trip. The talk of all this low cloud has me half spooked and I was hoping for those cloudless winter days like u get out west and up north. We might have have some spare days up our sleeves I think.
  12. I let u know if we come down that way Steve and a look around the area sounds great and a wine or 2 for the girls, I'm more of a beer type of guy but sure I can adapt ? I also remember chatting with you about a month ago about Butch's Sav and be good to meet in person. Cheers Guy.
  13. This trip will make a change to flying north for the winter and I'm hoping to see some snow and also hoping the weather will be a little kind. My wife hates the cold so she'll be dressed like the michelin man me thinks and luckily I can isolate and turn of the passenger headset(On the dash} so I don't have to hear about her toes going numb
  14. Hi Downunder, We've done a few trips over the years but all in the warmer part of the country (wintertime) Karumba last winter. I agree about getting burnt out and we generally don't do more than 4hrs a day (Wife gets a little stress after 4hrs and I;m getting a little to old to go doing big days ) and we like to arrive to our destination for lunch and soak up the local atmosphere for the night and sometimes for 2-3 nights if it's somewhere like Broken Hill or Kurumba to doing a spot of fishing etc . A trip Like this I was thinking we'll need 3 weeks roughly at 85kts.
  15. Thanks Bruce and i'll make note of Naracoorte and we don't tend to book ahead, but more like the day before hand unless it's somewhere like Adels grove where u might need to book ahead and then we give ourselves a extra day to get there just incase.
  16. Hi Everyone, I'm planning on doing a trip with 2 other planes from Lismore (Northern Nsw) to the Great Ocean rd, in winter I haven't done any flying down the southern parts of Oz so not overly familiar with places to go and see or keep away from, so hoping for some suggestions, local knowledge or pilots who have done similiar trips. The route i mapped while watching the idiot box the other night is roughly done and sure there'll b a few changes as i look in2 it a bit more. Not sure how to come back home once we're west of the Great ocean rd wether to head up to Broken hill and follow the Darling river system back which we did a few yrs ago or a more coastal route? Here's the track i have so far Lismore Amidale Rylstone Bathurst Cowra Young Cootamundra Tumut Holbrook Mitta mitta Mount Beauty Bright Milawa Wangaratta Yarrawonga Shepparton Bendigo Windermere Lethbridge Barwon heads Apolla Bay Peterborough Warrnambool Port Fairly Portland Mount Gambier Millicent Robe Kingston Deniliquin Griffith Forbes
  17. Awesome Mark and bloody happy for you. I just love everything about the S21 and look forward in following your build down the track after Mabel is finish and would love to fly up when your into the build for a look and chat. I said I'd never build another plane as I got so far behind in work and stuff but "DAMM" I get excited looking at the S21 mmm ??
  18. Crikey Bud, you've certainly had a run of bad luck healthwise and hope you have a good and speedy recovery mate. I've also been one of the many who have wondered where's Bex's and in a nice way as I also enjoy your witty gsoh and seeing your projects. I also don't get on here as much as I use to as it can get a bit tiring with a few on here that are not happy unless they're having a dig at someone. Good people attract good and people who wake up to see who they can piss off today, well they attract the unhappy lot me thinks ? Cheers Guy.
  19. Thanks Planey for bringing this to our attention and hi Nev, I have also enjoyed reading your inputs and it's people like you that help make this great forum for what it is and our love for the skies. Cheers Guy.
  20. Love the read JG and the photos that show the stories etc.
  21. Tru Trak had something like that which you riveted a trim tab to one aileron which you then installed a small servo into the aileron, This was about 3-4yrs ago I saw this advertise but haven't seen it since, I thought at the time what a great idea with the simplicity of it. But not sure if they discontinue with the idea for some reason.
  22. [TABLE] [TR] [TD] Hi Bruce, we flew out to Lake Ayre 2 years ago and did the trip in July to coincid with the Marree camel races which was interesting. The town swelled up with caravaners coming down from the Big red bash. You have to book ahead to get accomodation in Marree for that time of the year and 3nights was the minimum nights we could book but with a day spent at the races and another day flying out to William creek for lunch and looking at the Marree man plus of cause looking over the lake. We found Innaminka a fascinating place to stay with I think it was the coopers crk there that runs into L Ayre. [/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [TD][/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE]
  23. Hi Chas and welcome to the forum. Lismore aero is a pretty good club and instructors if down the track you get the inkling to sus out what's involve in the training side of things. Cheers Guy.
  24. I've also been wondering and hoping Bex's is going ok.
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