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Guy s

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Everything posted by Guy s

  1. Hope u bounce back quick mate and maybe take it as a sign to chill out for a while as life can be quite hectic on ones soul and can go by quick. Smell the roses or something ☺️
  2. Thanks Mark and I've looked at the Edge performance site and youtube videos and looks good quality gear but hadn't heard of Ronnie smith but sounds good, will look forward to seeing the motor progress build ?
  3. Hi Mark, are you getting the big bore edgeperformance kit for the Rotax or something different and what sort of Hp gain you looking at ?
  4. A mate highly recommended to me flying down to a place called Old bar just east of Taree.I haven't yet but hoping to do so in the near future. The Strip is a stone throw from the beach with the Caravan park at the end of the strip and a easy walk into town.
  5. Looks like a awesome trip and you gotta love those headwinds (not) thanks for sharing your outback adventure and your insight to it all.
  6. Guy s

    520 kg vs 560 kg

    Guessing cabin heating 80kts
  7. Beautiful looking Savannah S and congratulations on a great achievement Perry and I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun flying the Savannah. I'll look forward to seeing some more photos please
  8. Not easy being a parent at times and i can't imagine what your going through Ian. Your daughter is lucky she has such a wonderful and dedicated father and i hope it all goes well One day she'll look back at this moment and think it was all worth while as she gets on with making the most of her life, she sounds like a real inspiration.
  9. Woohoo getting close now Tom and looks great and look forward to seeing it hit the skies and seeing you enjoying the fruition of your passion.
  10. What's happen to good old fashion walking and it's good to stretch the legs after a few hours in the seat me thinks.
  11. I had a bit of trouble with my ICP master cylinders holding pressure when braking and honing and new Orings didn't fix the problem. I ended up installing Matco master cylinders and the quality in astounding compared to the ICP cylinders and haven't had a ounce of trouble since.
  12. I was one of those coastal guys fueled up ready hit the skies this morning and hoping the weather was going to clear but wishful thinking and by 9.30 decided to can it. Buggar.
  13. I'm hoping to fly up for the day but the weather not looking good east of the Ranges.
  14. I think the Sav with the adjustable seat has less head room than the fix seats. I'm 6'2"and have about an inch to spare and not looking forward to the headache of flying in bumpy conditions.
  15. Hi Rodger and there's plenty of info on here so don't be afraid to ask and keep us posted on the progress of your Sav.
  16. If you can pay with paypal and you don't receive the goods, at least you know you'll get your money back but these scammers are unlikely be be hooked up to paypal.
  17. Pretty cool video and seeing some high rises higher than the 701 I notice 2 electric fuel pumps and wondering what the reason behind that is and guessing safety.
  18. I have always enjoyed Bex's post and found them to be knowledgeable and at times a little funny but sometimes a tongue in cheek dry sense of humour can be misinterpreted through a keyboard. I normally understand a dry sense of humor as I have one but have learned to keep it in check thanks to my wife. The Bitch is always picking out my faults and does anyone else have this problem ?. BTW she has read this and is having a cackle.
  19. Thanks for that info Mark.
  20. Depends if your looking at the plane from the front or rear as to which engine got torn off guessing that would make sense to some people out there.
  21. I was wondering it you could get the twin Yoke as a option and I don't recall having that option when I got my kit and a later development I guess. Looks a good set-up though.
  22. Looking great MTom and the colour scheme is similar to mine, I'm enjoying watching the progress and the unique and different ways of people building their Savannah's Are the twin Yoke set-up from ICP ?
  23. I'm also watching watching this thread with a keen interest as we're hoping to do a trip from Lismore up to Karumba cooktown etc in mid winter (when we can all get time off work) otherwise I might see if BP will let me tag along too.
  24. Have always enjoyed watching documentaries on the Dakar and only for the fit and toughest me thinks and the dedication that goes with it to excel. Good luck Toby and well done on his past performances.
  25. Crikey and I'll have to have another look at this tomorrow as been to one of those Xmas parties. It's a credit to you JG3 and take it the Savannah not fully retired ? but love your engenuity in designing your own motorbike of the skies and look forward to seeing more. Cheers Guy.
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