Hi Matt,
Pouring from a normal 20ltr container into a funnel even up high on a ladder I had numerous spills and getting a bit of seepage around the Savannah fuel cap area and the inside wing section being open to the cabin create a strong fuel smell which was giving me the shits, especially when your about to go flying.
So thought there's gotta be a better way and there is
I got 1 20ltr and 2 10ltrs Tuff jug so can fill 40ltrs at a time. The TJ nozzles are design to fill farm bikes etc so easily fits inside the Savannah fuel inlet hole and so sits on the lip hole with the draining bit inside and u just let the weight of the fuel push down which opens up the nozzle and so you don't have to hold the weight of the container.
Once the fuel reaches up to the nozzle it stops air getting into the container so the fuel stops flowing and you just lift it off and it's really that easy and can highly recommend these TJ.
I have been using them for about 10 months and have never had a drop spilt, the 10ltrs are easy to lift and if you find the 20ltr a bit of a struggle a small ladder would definitely help.
I don't bother filtering the fuel but others will have other ideas I'm sure.
Cheers Guy.