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Guy s

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Everything posted by Guy s

  1. As many of you know about the very recent floods and I just thought I would post my saga. After sitting at home idle for most of thursday Me and the missus decided to go for a spin into Lismore to check the river height. As we drove over Ballina bridge I thought to myself yea it's up a bit but no real drama after all they have forecast floods for lismore roughly 5 times over the last couple of years which never happened so mmm into town for a quick bite in the CBD. We wander for a bit and sensing a funny mood in the people we came across and spoke to. Some were just working casually like nothing was going to happen and others were acting like a little weird like, like they weren't sure what was going to happen or what to do but standing around all jittery like. While taking in the vibe of the town all of a sudden I realize shit was going to get real and said to my wife we gotta get home to get the car trailer which had a drift car on it with a flat battery and of cause I'm not thinking clearly like because I had gone into panic mode so it took an hour to get it off. Then we raced back to the hanger and had a mammoth job getting the Sav uphill onto the trailer and having to hold the nose wheel up cause there's only air underneath, (car trailer) didn't think to grab a long plank to run up the middle for the nose wheel but things were happening fast, rain and rising water levels and hard yakka trying to drag it up bit by bit. Sandra (wife) couldn't understand how I didn't do a hernia. Put the plane back into the hanger and sent my wife home with my sons as the water was starting creeping into the hangers. i thought i'd stay and help out other fellow aviators to get their planes to a high ground (The mound that was put in by the council after the 74 floods) which you can see in the aerial photo. Most people managed to get their planes onto the mound, but some people were either cut off and couldn't get to the aeroclub or were dealing with other flood drama.Once the water started coming up, it came up very quickly and some planes went under. By 10pm when we got things sorted, well sort of, a handful of us got stranded at the club and I ended up sleeping at the Lismore aeroclub with Wally Soward, the club president, only to be woken up at 1.30am with the flood waters getting higher and making things interesting. We spent the rest of the night getting everything in the clubhouse up high. Always in the back of my mind was the Blue Budgie and hoping, next morning on day break I waded up the hanger to find the car trailer under water but it had done the trick and saved my dream machine. Have never experienced being in floods before and the clean up is a little daunting but it's surprising how people can come out of the woodwork to help out.
  2. Hi Bob and sorry I'm no help as I just can't remember the riveting side of things at and around the firewall but think joining the 2 firewall sections together required stainless rivets but I could be wrong on that
  3. Yes I have my tunnel at the front on top of those tabs as at the time of the photos it was just fitted to see how it looked before riveting. Just a point of interest part SF277 is only mention in the fix seat instructions of the manual but not mention at all in the adjustable seat section hence saying that they may have included bits not needed as said earlier and the changes they made can get be a little confusing. I still install SF277 as It help strengthen and tie it all in nicely and just my thoughts.
  4. Just going through some photos ST 330/331- I didn't have much trouble lining up the holes except where part 277 goes but I didn't like the idea of flatting the hump. I can post a photo showing what I did wednesday when I go back to the hanger if that will help ? As Mark said maybe send the guru some pics.
  5. I had the same problem Bob, the last 2 photos part 277 had me stumped and was actually flying the plane without having it installed it but I did get back to it. I ended up matching the holes on the tunnel but having to drill a extra hole in the tunnel cause I ended up making spacers out of hard plastic that went between the back panel and part 277 so was able to align 4 of the holes on the tunnel and also had to re drill on the back panel to match 277 existing holes. Those 4 holes in 1015 didn't line up for me either. I'm thinking that some of the changes made from fix to adjustable seats and maybe using some old parts that would do the job BUT leave us scratching our heads for a bit Lol The first lot of photos I had 2 sets of brackets that came with the kit that went on the side wall of the aircraft which one lot of brackets was from before the change I guessing again from fix to adjustable seats. Anyway I also had problems aligning these holes up and think I had to redrill a couple out to be able to rivet. It's like I got the old part and the new undated strengthen part for the front nose leg but they give u both bits when you only needed the new updated version which is a little odd as u throw the old version out but why put it in the kit.
  6. You'll have a lot of fun building the Sav and even more fun to be had once you've finish a great achievement and start taking the Savannah to the skies. Will also watch with interest the progress
  7. With a name like that we must be pretty awesome right Do you fly out of South Grafton strip or the main Grafton strip ? I fly down that way a bit for a bit of fun stopping in a S grafton but not so much in the summer months.
  8. Typical me not being real clear in what im saying somtimes I was just wondering if we both had the same last name.
  9. Welcome to the forum and why smally ?
  10. Haha thanks Bob and really didn't occur to me but yep have updated my profile
  11. Sounds like your been busy Bob and life does get in the way at times and will look forward to seeing your Savannah take shape when u get back into it :-) And 88 I will also look foward to seeing your progress when you kick off. I went for a fly late yesterday arvo and the Sav is a lot of fun, easy to fly and forgiving. Happy days. I see you mention you came up to Grafton 88. If your ever in Grafton again please let me know and I'll fly down. Be good to meet you or if you venture up at little further north. Cheers G.
  12. Hi Bob, just wondering how your getting along with the Sav build as u haven't post for a while I see or have i miss it posted somewhere else ? Cheers Guy.
  13. Hi Eric, I fly out of Lismore and know Bill and the instructors and I drop in to the club from time 2 time and sometimes for their friday arvo beer between 4-5 to catch up and chat. If u see a blue&white Savannah getting around come and say hi Cheers.
  14. There's something awesome and hard to explain feeling on flying a plane you built yourself and well done on a great achievement. The MiniMax looks great Bruce.
  15. Thanks Bob and it is great fun traveling with other like minded people to share the experience. Next winter we're hoping to some bigger trips exploring our wonderful country. Sorry about doubling up on the photos, not sure what happen as a computer whizz I'm not.
  16. Hi everyone,I've bee a little quiet for a while now and thought I just do update on the Blue Budgie, yep that's her name and I'm sure you can see the resemblance It all came together this weekend with a trip out to unique Lighting Ridge with another Savannah and a Jabiru from Casino. Martin who owns the Sav and the Casino club president Russell with his Jab and our wives all had this weekend free to make it happen. I was going to head out a day earlier to give us more time to relax and look around but the weather was a little ordinary on the friday. Next morning saw us all leaving at 7am with a few scuds of rain in the ranges to dodge but once pass Tenterfield it opened up to the beautiful sunshine. From Tenterfield we made a beeline to Moree for fuel and a break then onto Lighting ridge landing in time for lunch at the Bowling club then a 3hr guided tour of the area. Flying time from Lismore to the Ridge was 4hrs with a cruise of around 85 kts Again we were hoping to stay another night but the weather was looking very ordinary for late Sunday and monday so we decided to high tail it out around 9am with the plan to land for a wee break at rankamateur place (Russell in the jab decided to keep on flying back to Casino) . It was great catching up with Steve and his lovely wife for morning tea and a yarn and hoping to get Steve a little excited in getting his Savannah finished. Photos are 2 good looking planes at the Ridge with Maverick and Goose posing. underground tour with the crew and our guide with the red hat Lighting Ridge from air At Steve's place and hanger where we had morning tea. Cropping area just before we landed at Moree
  17. Crikey there's not much left of the front end and luckily the motor peel underneath and didn't end up on their laps, glad to hear the 2 people in the Jab were walking and not too seriously hurt I hope.
  18. Sorry I somehow missed this Steve and yes I have, the only problem now is I have that much work on and very little time to fly. Next Autumn,winter will be a goer with some flying trips. Better get yours ready eh
  19. Flew down to S grafton yesterday for a lazy flight only to have met kev for the first time in unfortunate circumstances and helped him out with his beautiful looking Morgan, folded nose leg but everything else looked ok.
  20. Not a bad view to wake up too, pretty cool really.
  21. 22 hrs so far Bob and another 3 to go (Oz regulations) then I can take a Passenger and do some serious cross country, Before the Savannah when I use to have to hire a aircraft I wouldn't do that many hours in a year. But when you have your own plane it seems to become a total different ball game in the time you spend flying. There a few of us from 2 local flying clubs who are keen on doing trips away, some just overnight trips to resorts (good the the women ) that cater for fliers to more adventurous trips further afield and sleeping under the wing or local accommodation. So really looking forward to sharing with people the same common interesting and the comraderie that goes with it.
  22. I really enjoyed building the Fuselage and how it all went together and took shape and reckon your going to love building the big bit in the middle Bob.
  23. Looking great Bob and glad to see your making good progress.
  24. The first 2 photos is what happens when you leave the door open and overfill your tanks and it runs onto the door-BUGGAR Have since bought some fuel containers call Tuff which has Eliminated fuel spills all together with it's one way valve set-up. A great idea and I saw someone mentioned it on here somewhere and I google ( Geoff I think and Thanks ) Been doing a few trips down to South Grafton and thought I would show off with a few photos on this occasion with 4 other planes from the Casino Aero club flying together following the Clarence River from Tabulum to South Grafton local pub for lunch. After a good feed we took off for the coastal run and some Whale spotting following the Clarence River back to Yamba and back along the coast, then back home. Been very happy with the Savannah and have had no real problems apart from the door episode. Flying back I notice a mate of mine Savannah just pulled away from me and within a short time he was out of sight. since we both have the same prop-motor combo I still have some fine tuning on the pitch it seems.
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