As many of you know about the very recent floods and I just thought I would post my saga.
After sitting at home idle for most of thursday Me and the missus decided to go for a spin into Lismore to check the river height. As we drove over Ballina bridge I thought to myself yea it's up a bit but no real drama after all they have forecast floods for lismore roughly 5 times over the last couple of years which never happened so mmm into town for a quick bite in the CBD. We wander for a bit and sensing a funny mood in the people we came across and spoke to. Some were just working casually like nothing was going to happen and others were acting like a little weird like, like they weren't sure what was going to happen or what to do but standing around all jittery like.
While taking in the vibe of the town all of a sudden I realize shit was going to get real and said to my wife we gotta get home to get the car trailer which had a drift car on it with a flat battery and of cause I'm not thinking clearly like because I had gone into panic mode so it took an hour to get it off. Then we raced back to the hanger and had a mammoth job getting the Sav uphill onto the trailer and having to hold the nose wheel up cause there's only air underneath, (car trailer) didn't think to grab a long plank to run up the middle for the nose wheel but things were happening fast, rain and rising water levels and hard yakka trying to drag it up bit by bit. Sandra (wife) couldn't understand how I didn't do a hernia.
Put the plane back into the hanger and sent my wife home with my sons as the water was starting creeping into the hangers. i thought i'd stay and help out other fellow aviators to get their planes to a high ground (The mound that was put in by the council after the 74 floods) which you can see in the aerial photo. Most people managed to get their planes onto the mound, but some people were either cut off and couldn't get to the aeroclub or were dealing with other flood drama.Once the water started coming up, it came up very quickly and some planes went under.
By 10pm when we got things sorted, well sort of, a handful of us got stranded at the club and I ended up sleeping at the Lismore aeroclub with Wally Soward, the club president, only to be woken up at 1.30am with the flood waters getting higher and making things interesting. We spent the rest of the night getting everything in the clubhouse up high.
Always in the back of my mind was the Blue Budgie and hoping, next morning on day break I waded up the hanger to find the car trailer under water but it had done the trick and saved my dream machine.
Have never experienced being in floods before and the clean up is a little daunting but it's surprising how people can come out of the woodwork to help out.