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Guy s

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Everything posted by Guy s

  1. Well in my case it was Sugarcane :-) Flew another hour today after work, 7 and a bit total and soon the double figures I hope.
  2. Thanks Steve and Mike, had a little play and think I've worked it out. cheers
  3. Thanks 88, With work, wind and rain I haven't been up as much as I would have liked. Well today I took time out with calm condition making it perfect for a few hours flying, flying from Lismore to Casino to do a few circuits before dropping in to see a mate who has his own strip. Try to unload some photos but saying to big which is a pain.
  4. 5 hours it a J230 and just made sure I didn't drink too much B4 hand. But on the trip I was flying with someone nearly half my age who probably had better bladder control and didn't seem to get uncomfortable in the end like me. I think the flight was from Lightening ridge to Lismore ?It was a while back now and I'm getting forgetful in my old age. In future if flying with my wife or a mate I plan on stopping every 2-3 hrs a least.
  5. My Savannah S weight in at 307 kgs but reckon by the time I sort a few things out on it, it will be closer to 310 kgs.
  6. Thanks for posting Mark, My 5 way fuel splitter has been leaking and I'm going to loctite plus new aluminum washers I got made up hoping it will solve the leaking problem otherwise those Brass fittings look the go or get something made up out of better quality Aluminum.
  7. Looks like your really getting into it and I'm enjoying the progress and seeing some different ways of doing things and useful Mods coming off the Savannah scene.. Like the Table Bob :-)
  8. Thanks Bob and your not wrong with the feeling of flying something you built and glad I did the test flying.
  9. I take it you mean the balance and no I wasn't watching the ball and thanks Bob it was a huge BUZZ for me too:smile:
  10. Got the Ok from Ra aust on thursday, so the following morning saw me down the hanger giving the plane a good check over. Then taxi up and down the runway getting the feel of her at different speeds and checking the brakes etc. A few more laps saw me taking off a few feet and landing again before coming back to the hanger for a cuppa and to settle down and recollect myself. A hour later saw me hit the skies taking off and doing 3 circuits at 1000ft getting the feel of the controls before coming back in to land. She flew beautiful and found the controls very responsive and plenty off feel like it's a part of me. One very happy chappy.
  11. And I must be a impatience prick
  12. AERO 2016 - ICP Ventura - FlyEurope.tv A New model from ICP and If we ever get a weight increase this could be my next build, just kidding I think as planning on having plenty of fun with the Savannah first. Maybe one for some future builders and be interesting in what the finish weight would come out at ? Still waiting on the final paperwork to be process for my Sav, been 2 weeks and still no word, so no flying yet.
  13. I cut small fuel lines up about a inch all so long and cut make along the length to slip over the wiring where I cable tie to the rear longeron. There should grommets in the kit but I brought extra from a Automotive shop of various sizes.
  14. Not yet Steve even though I sent all the paper off last Monday week I hadn't included the required data sheets and the required warning placard that goes on the dash and photo of proof. I should've gotten the builders pack from Ra aust with all the required paperwork and info plus the warning placard but a mate printed the paperwork he thought all I needed for me and i went with that. Hopefully this time next week it will be all sorted.
  15. Sounds like your getting into it Bob, hope your taking some photos for us, hint hint
  16. Guy s

    That Black Stuff

    I think once here was a name etc on the can but they change that, maybe so you couldn't buy elsewhere. You will eventually need a second can as one's not quite enough.
  17. Painting a long way down the track so relax and don't put yourself under pressure, enjoy the the build and what it has to offer and you'll work things out as you go along and it takes shape. Make sure you take plenty of photos please
  18. You definitely need a roller Bob and it does a better job of applying the black paint more evenly and quickly as you'll be surprise how much masking off and painting that's required. The roller will do probably 95% of the painting with the bush only needed for spots where u can't get into with a roller as the build progresses. I kept the roller and brush in a jar of water for months and just squeeze the water out of the roller rolling it inside the jar above water level of cause. The black stuff that I use is water base and assume it's still the case. I kept some black paint in a small seal container about 3x4 inches which i use like a normal paint roller tray.
  19. Our local CFI from Lismore, our club president plus a few others on the road as I write this.
  20. I got 4 sheets of 2400 x 1200 plywood and framing pine to make 2 tables and butted them together with shelve underneath for storage and worked a treat. simple to build and not too costly.
  21. Steve being 7 foot tall can just fit into a S model Adjustable seats, more luggage space change of nose and guessing a slight increase in speed.
  22. Will look forward in watching your progress Bob and you'll love the challenge and pride that goes with seeing the Savannah take shape. Well done on taking the plunge. When I first open the crate I was overwhelmed and thinking Crikey but wasn't as bad as my first impression once I got into it. I spent a few weeks studying the Manual before I started and it put me in good faith
  23. Ran the motor for the first time and sounded sweet and grunty. Had one fuel leak which was promptly fix then did some taxi around a bit to get the feel of brakes, steering etc. Was very tempting to give full throttle and go do a few laps but luckily commonsense prevail. Looks great Steve and yea I'm also interested if you made the the nylon bush yourself or you can buy them like that.
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